I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Now I have Skype, Twitter and Tumblr as well as livejournal and stuff... Damn, I should just go and get myself a facebook, just to complete the picture. Geez. :rolleyes:

@темы: musings


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Ok, I finaly got rid of all the DBSK stuff on my PC except the videos, lives (scary!) and Makings. To commemorate I watched Zoom-In Special once again. They were good times, but they're long since gone so I need to move on fully. Oh, I even made a gif from that. I don't remember that moment from before. Jae just really wanted the pink one!~ :heart:


Ps: It's kind of funny, but tumblr refuses to upload my gif for some reason. Well, I shall consider it as an omen.

@музыка: Hirano Yoshihisa - Pavan for piano and orchestra

@темы: my!gif, TVXQ

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Weiss Kreuz (I)
Slayers (I-III)
Kuroshitsuji (I)
Ouran Host Club
Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi
Some random shounen-ai/yaoi

I think that's it. :shy2:

@темы: anime


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Keep coming across HQ screens from some shows with the boys. I'm so frustrated.




@музыка: Plastic Tree - Gerbera

@темы: meme, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
THAT'S IT! I GIVE UP! I'M GETTING TUMBLR RIGHT FUCKING NOW! Not getting one and lurking there every day is stupid.

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Now that I ran out of Alice9 Channels to watch I got to ViViD's Nico shows. I skipped some early ones but they are getting more interesting. This one was pretty fun. Reno is a bit of an arrogant bastard but he's still so charming. His favourite phrase is "urusee!" ans he keeps bullying Shin but I still kind of like him. And yeah, my OTP is so legit!)


@темы: ViViD, RenoxShin


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
The next ViViD Style is tomorrow!!☆

January, 11th at 20:00 (JST) - which is 1 PM!

link: live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv76841427

The Next Alice9 Channel is on 16th January 11:00PM JST!!

link: live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv75022044

@темы: post-it note


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Gackt says he want to change hair colour but his company won't let him. The hell? I really didn't expect him of all people to be bound by a company. Geez. :rolleyes:

@темы: WTF?, Gackt


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Spent whole day watching Japanese radio talks, trying to read interviews and lyrics, looking up words in the denshijisho, writing down words and sometimes even actually trying to study what I really have to. Now reading Grammar for Level 3. I am seriously freaking out right now. LIKE, SERIOUSLY. Patterns. So many FUCKING PATTERNS! Why do they need all this stuff? I don't know how I'm going to survive the next JLPT. :ill:

@темы: 勉強


More Radio

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
FM-Fuji NEVERMIND [2010-11-12] [Hiroto&Tora]


Even though the quality is poor you can't fail to see that Tora looks damn fine and he's been so charming here. And Hiroto cute as ever in this pink sweater. They talked about a lot of things but nothing of special interest. I loved how they played with them dollies) And there goes the talk of Tora the huge guy again. I mean, seriously? He is tall, but huge? So Tora complained he always hits his head against things and Hiroto's, like: "I wish I'd hit my head!" lol)). But I like how Tora always defends Hiroto, like: "It's not that he's short, it just that out band is tall." Aww~ Also Hiroto convincing that Mogu headbangs when he's on TV)) I can't really remember the rest now but yeah, it was a really fun show.

Beat Shuffle [2007-11-30] [Shou&Hiroto]


I really like Alpha time, Shou was so goddamn adorable. But the show was really hard and frustrating to watch since I couldn't understand half of what was said. Most of the time it was really hard to make out what Shou was saying so I kind of gave up on it. At first there was something about him having allergy and then Hiroto was talking how lately he's into washing clothes. Like, wow boy! There was a lot of talking about the album and stuff but it was very difficult to understand. Also I adore how the Japanese like to talk about seasons. It's really endearing. Also at the end as always answering questions from fans. One was about who's the clumsiest/awkward in the band and for some reason Shou began talking about someone related to the band and Hiroto was looking at him funny and then answered that unexpectedly he thinks it's Tora. Then Shou agreed "even though he's good at leading? and handsome" he's awkward basically. I can't make it out! :depress2: But I think what they were trying to say is that he can be really withdrawn and anti-social.

Beat Shuffle [2010-08-27] [Tora&Hiroto]


The interesting parts strated towards the end as usual:
The host asked about Tora's piercing like doesn't it hurt and stuff. Frankly this is the first time I heard him talk about it so I was really curious. Actually usually I don't like that kind of piercings but somehow I really like this particular one. I really think it blends so well with his image. So anyway Tora said it can't be taken out. Hiroto reached out to check if it's true it and Tora made to bite him! lol)) He also mentioned he's had it for over 10 years now so he's so used to it there's no discomfort, it's like a part of his body. That explains a lot.
Among other things Tora said he's jealous because he puts on weight easily and Hiroto doesn't. Also there was a request for Tora to show one of his impersonations. But of course he cleverly talked himself out of it. Again. The funny thing is, from the few ones I've seen he might actually be the only person who's good at it. I think that Onee kotoba talk he did in the A9 Channel was brilliant.
Reprimanding him about his blog. Again. Than Hiroto talked about how he eats tons of ice!? Especially in winter. Damn, kid. So anyway, when asked Tora said 'No, I don't eat it.' But then Hiroto slyly began to tell him how eating ice helps metabolism and makes you lose weight and Tora actually looked rather intrigued)
Overall, I enjoy this show the most.

Well, seems like that was the last of it. But then again I though so last time so we shall see.

@темы: recap, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
No, no, that would be bad for me (laughs)! Even so, lately at lives, the way you converse is similar to that of comedians, is that also a change for you?

Tora: That is certainly a visible change (laughs). However, I have been doing this at the fan club lives. Lately, the live MCs have been so disordered that people don't just let it slide, so I thought "I must talk" (laughs). So that's why I've been doing my best, being in charge of the MCing. Although, it's quite tough in that I must do various duties such as ending the conversation, the timing of things when moving on to the next person, how to cope with times when people make mistakes (laughs)


So you do things while being attentive. So is it also a natural thing that your viewpoint is that you are in the position to compensate for what the band is lacking?

Tora: It is natural. As we are a band that often has both success and times where we miss the mark, I think that it's a waste. I feel that what allows us to think that we couldn't have done things better is the five years of experience we've had. So, I thought to be more useful to the band, and to do the things that I can. I think that I should relatively be more useful to people than others. Although I may not be the best, I can safely say that I am the type to handle things well (laughs). To put it in a bad way, I am a jack of all trades that masters none. Conversely, I do think that I should make use of that fact, now. Lately, I've somehow been thinking that that is perhaps my talent. Although I'm not the best at what I do, I will make use of the fact that I am involved in many things. Things don't go to well for me when I am fully immersed into one thing, so I'll take on many things, and conversely, if I take the intiative and do the kind of things that the other members can't do, I will be able to compensate for them. That is how I think right now.

Shoxx, vol. 212: Tora Interview (October 2010)

Another reason why I can relate to him so much. It's like, I know I'm not the best person for this but since there's no one else I have to do it. This kind of feeling. It's something I realized about myself fairly recently. Finding the things that are lacking and filling in is what I do. Although I can do a lot of things I suppose it really is my main talent.

@темы: musings, Tora, inter:views



I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

終わりの無い旅路へ飛び出した 不器用な君でも 宇宙を掴み取れる
We flew out on an unending journey, even though you're clumsy, you can reach the space

伝えたい言葉程 言えなくなるのは解ってた だから行こう?
I knew that you couldn't even say the words you wanted to tell me, so let's go?

終わりの無い旅路へ飛び出した 不器用な君だから 一緒に歩いてゆこう
We flew out on an unending journey, because you're clumsy, let's walk together


I'm probably looking too much into things but...

@темы: ToraxShou


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Don't really feel like writing lately and it almost creeps me out))

Anyway, finally found some translations from the infamous triple interview. Some parts are just adorable. I enjoy Takeru and Shin's fanboying immensely but my favourite part was this:

Shou: I’ve heard his songs before ViViD came into the jimusho, and I thought they’ve got high quality music, “we’ve got a good one coming in” was what I thought. When we finally met, Shin was a lot cuter than I thought.

Shin: I think I was just openly watching him

Shou: In Shin’s case he also looks arrogant if you look at him in photos, I guess vocalists are bound to project that kind of feel. But if you talk to him — well, I’m a guy, but he kinda brings out my motherly instinct *laughs*

Awwww~ :heart:

@темы: ViViD, Shou, inter:views



I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


- Baby, what's wrong?
- Not talking to you!

@музыка: Gackt - Dears

@темы: RenoxShin

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Раз уж завелось буду продолжать писать обзоры на родном.

Первые минут 20 ничего интересного не происходит, зато ближе к концу было несколько любопытных моментов.

Мне понравился шокированный возглас ведущего когда Шо сказал что любит бегать, а когда Хирото сказал, что пробегает по 7 километров, он вообще офигел))

Так как трансляция была незадолго до Дня Валентина, поступил вопрос об историях, которые с ними произошли в этот день. Ибо в Японии в этот день девочкам надлежит признаваться мальчикам и дарить шоколадки. Шо сказал, что по сути рассказать ему нечего. Я так и не смогла как следует разобрать что он там говорил, но вроде была только какая-то одна девочка в средней школе, что положила на него глаз, но короче все это было печально. А вот Хирото признался, что однажды в средней школе получил шоколад от мальчика. Ну и, в общем, он не знал что делать в такой ситуации, но был очень рад. Что было самое интересное в этой истории так это реакция Шо. Сначала он кивал на удивленный вопрос ведущего как будто это была его история апотом так загадочно заулыбался... ох выводы выводы... Но вообще было приятно что они так мило обсудили этот эпизод.

Еще приятно что он в ответ на вопрос о том, кто написал Shinkirou не задумываюся ответил "Тора". Без всяких там уважительных приставок итд. Ибо меня часто добивает что в Японии нередко даже муж и жена называют друг друга по фамилии. Да что там, помню даже в яойном анимэ в самый интимный момент герой кричит ХХ-сан! Это так печально. Так что да, мелочь, а приятно)

Ну и конечно же творчество...


@темы: recap, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Watching the Premium part of the December A9 Channel. Everyone's praising them on how good the show is and Saga's, like: "Let's quit music!" XDD
Also what did they mean Shou's like "mao"? I'm really confused now. :conf3:

I really should write them a letter sometime. There's a good chance they might read it. Except I don't know what to write. >_<

@темы: A9 Channel, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Shou: Speaking of which, since the start of this year fans have called out to me while I was out three times, and they were all males... I wonder if people will come if we did a male-only live \(^o^)/ I've seen my senior bands do it, so I want to try.

Hiroto: Let's do it!!

Shou: If we did do a male-only live, a certain member will definitely tell nothing but dirty jokes during the MC. I want to try telling a few dirty jokes too (。•̀ᴗ;-)b✧

Shou: So should we do it? (laugh)


Do it, guys! Do it! I plead thee! And put it on DVD! :D

@темы: tweets, A9 Channel, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
4.30 AM - the best time to re-watch the GEMINI live! Damn, it's so good it almost makes me forget about Shou's leather pants XDD
Seriously though, it was only the second time I watched the 7th Theater footage that I realized the cameraman totally sucks. I mean the only good non-shaking angle is from behind the drums. WTF?

@темы: Alice Nine


The Tempest

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


So I finally got to watch this film. It's really beautiful. I actually first downloaded it in 700 MB quality and began watching it but after about 20 minutes I decided it's an insult to the film and everyone who made it so I found a 5.8 GB version and went with that.

As for the film itself frankly I hardly remember anything from when I studied the play in high school so I'm not going to show off) But the adaptation is sure interesting. The main change is Prospero being a woman but somehow I really like that. Also there are some stylistic discrepancies. I don't think tank tops were popular in 17th century, even among princes) But that's nothing.

I think the actors were great - the big black Cliban and the androgynous Ariel and the crazy Trinculo. Sure enough the film was a bit hard to watch because of the language, but there's no way I'd compromise on that. Ah... It's hard to imagine people actually talked like that once. Even cursing sounded beautiful. Anyway, I'm appalled to know it had such poor reviews. I think it's a great film.

Well, I've said enough. It's a film to be watched, not talked about. Once again I had to take it upon myself to make some screens.~


@темы: movies


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
С Днем Рождения!!!

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Жаль что не успела ничего сделать тебе в подарок так что если могу что-то для тебя сделать - дай знать)

@темы: Birthday