I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
It's past midnight and that means one of the best weeks of my life has ended. It was kind of exhausing and more eventful than a regular month but it was mostly exciting. Things have been so well I still have trouble believing it's true. I've been so tired but now it's like I finally found th right path. And it's not like I got lucky. I do not get lucky. Everything I feel right now is the direct result of my hard work, sometimes just holding on and sometimes taking leaps of faith, but all the things I did have led me here. The road was so long that even my supportive mother began to doubt me. And yet, I am here, exactly where I wanted to be, exactly where I knew I belong. Its like seeing a plan you kept for years finally fall into place. I know things are bound to get harder again at some point, but I need to celebrate victories and this is one of them.  

@темы: myself, milestone