I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
 photo enlist.jpg

So the day has come. I haven't thought much of it. Until now. I went through posts and then watched a few videos and then suddenly began to cry. But it's not really Jaejoong I'm crying over. I don't follow him lately and I don't like him half as much as I used to but I guess we both changed since then. I'm crying over myself that used to love him, over that time when for a brief moment all seemed well. That's what I thought though in reality I was on train headed to the cliff. I can remember that time 8 fucking years ago when we would joke about it, what a tragedy their enlistment would be, back then it seemed so distant and unreal.

It still warms my heart he met with Yoo and Su in the last few days but he really looks so sad and lost. I'm gonna miss him, damn, I will. Bye bye, Jae. Take care.

@темы: Jaejoong