I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So today on tumblr this comic about people searching for their other halves came up on my dash. Someone also added"

“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings condemning them to spend their lives in search for their other halves.” ~Plato’s The Symposium.


And I couldn't stand the inaccuracy since I actually read Symposium and I found that part in the book and added:

I like this story but I want to make a correction.

I read The Symposium and there’s more to it than that. I’m not sure this story can be said to be a part of Greek mythology. It was just a story told by one of the guests, more like a theory. But most importantly there were originally three genders - men, women and a third gender of androgynous people. These round people were very ambitious and powerful and even challenged gods. It was because of their arrogance that they were split in half. And after that they begin to look for their other halves but there were 3 genders, right? Which means that only 1/3 of them were straight. (189e)

But the thing is that originally these people did not procreate though sex. There was no sex. Actually, after being split in half these beings were so needy and clingy and so desperate that they began to die out. That is why Zeus decided to move their genitals to the front. So that “when couples embraced, as well as male-female relationships leading to procreation and offspring, male-male relationships would at least involve sexual satisfaction…” (191c).

Plato’s The Symposium

There. I made it all better.

Pretty awesome if you ask me. Come to think of it Symposium is like an ancient fanfiction since Plato wrote a story about his teacher Socrates and Alcibiades and all these other dudes of the epoch.

@темы: i'm a geek, the eternal debate