I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I actually watched it before but...
This is a true must for SagaxShou shippers.


At first they talk about Hana and their 5th Anniversary. Saga said it's sad how fast the years fly by. Then the host asks them about their first impressions of each other. Now this is fun. Shou wrote: "Like a forest elf" He then proceeds to explain that the first time they met Saga had blond hair and a very pale skin and he looked very unusual walking in the middle of Tokyo. the host was very excited "an elf living in Tokyo!" Saga wrote about Shou: "His eyes are HUGE!" Saga explained that at that time Visual Kei was popular and everyone in bands tried to make their eyes look bigger putting a lot of make-up on but here was a person who didn't need that. The host asked whether they wear make-up now and Saga said "of course not". then the host said that when you watch the PV you can feel that Shou's gaze is incredible (Shou was like No no!) and probably makes girls fall down and Saga says: "yes, it does!" Then the next segment came. The host said they filled oou a questionnaire before the show and there was a question "something I worry about" Shou wrote "There's a fine line between genius and..." He said Saga can seem very cool but he's actually very weird. He told about that time when Saga ate from an ashtray. He said there are too many stories and he can't tell all of them but he often wonders: can this person be a genius acting like that?) Saga wrote "I don't get enough of your love" Saga complained that during the tour Shou keeps hanging out with Hiroto and "I can't forgive him! Why is he always with Hiroto?" Shou said: "I'm glad hearing this." Then there were user messages. One person wrote that in the Hana PV there's a part where Saga murmurs something into Shou's ear so she was dying to know what he said. The host asked whether he just pretended to say something but Saga said he did say something for real. Unsurprisingly he then said he really can't say what it was. That young girls in their 10's shouldn't hear that kind of things. The host asked: what about the men in their 50's? and Saga replied: well, they actually might be happy to hear it! XD So the host said they want to leave it to our imagination. Then they talked a little about Alice in Museum. Shou said "there you can find our EVERYTHING. Saga's everything too." and Saga quickly added "my underpants are there too!"XD They also mention that the Artist Book comes out which was directed by Shou and has Saga semi-naked! Host teased: "maybe you should do full nude?" but Saga was like: "full nude is a bit..."

@темы: recap, Alice Nine

26.03.2012 в 18:44

Забавно. Теперь я точно знаю, что мои мысли насчёт ОГРОМНЫХ глаз Шо вполне обоснованны! :rolleyes:
Ещё вот это: Alice in Museum. Очень мне интересно, когда это будет и как его увидеть? Ибо анонсировалось, бог знает когда, вроде как бэ фильмом о группе, что ли. Но до сих пор ничего нигде нет. :-( Или я не там ищу, или не так всё поняла? :facepalm:
p.s. Кстати, вероятно это какое-то волшебное оформление студии, потому что и Шо, и Сага тоже выглядят хорошо. :small:
26.03.2012 в 19:42

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Очень мне интересно, когда это будет и как его увидеть?
3 года назад. Это ж выставка была. А фильм они вроде и не собирались выпускать. :-/

потому что и Шо, и Сага тоже выглядят хорошо.
Это что взаимоисключающие явления?)
26.03.2012 в 20:21

_Aya_, Это ж выставка была. А фильм они вроде и не собирались выпускать. Мда, интересное кино. И как же это вышло, что я перепутала выставку с фильмом? :-/
Это что взаимоисключающие явления? Нет, я не к тому. Просто в последний раз Тора с Шо тоже отлично выглядели в этой студии.
26.03.2012 в 21:23

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
И как же это вышло, что я перепутала выставку с фильмом?
Ну, трейлер был к выставке как бы, но я так поняла, что фильм был, но его только на выставке и показывали. :-/
26.03.2012 в 21:38

_Aya_, фи, так не интересно. :mad:
27.03.2012 в 01:53

надо будет глянууууууть

27.03.2012 в 01:58

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Исстинна, Пожалуйста)

Я вообще решила для сообщества сделать доброе дело ибо поле непаханое тэсскать.

Если интересно:
27.03.2012 в 02:08

:heart: спасибо

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