
I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I'll write proper post when the drama ends, but for now I must say I am thorougly enjoying this whole "OMG, I think I'm gay!" part. I mean, this time it's Yoochunnie who's doing it and it looks quite convincing. The "guy talk" was priceless.


Also I've never been a big fan of Intoxication, but that performance... sorry, Su, it looked totally like a bitch in heat. I swear a straight man can't dance like this.

@темы: Yoochunnie


Teh yoosu!

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

Junsu has this classic face "I have this nasty thing in my lap and it won't come off." ))) :heart:

I think my desktop Yunho is scandalized over my desktop JJ's Princess complex.

@музыка: Indochine - 3e Sexe

@темы: yoosu


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I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Recently I watched this documentary called Save Marriage about the whole Massachussets campaigh back in 2004. It's one thing to read about event and a whole different thing to actually see it. It was really nice to watch. I check the state of things from time to time, but I haven't checked in a while. I totally missed the fact that this year 3 more countries and one US state legalized same-sex marriage. I kinda still can't believe this is happening.

@музыка: Lady Gaga - Disco Heaven

@темы: issues


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I don't know whether to call YunJae fans dedicated or delusional, or maybe desperate better describes it? In the last couple of weeks there were several posts with such unbelievable theories you have to admire their imagination. They're starting to look like Akame fans grasping at the straws.

@темы: yunjae


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I just literally spit all over my desktop.


Seems like the atmosphere on the set is very relaxed and friendly. I hate the whole 'waiting for subs' though. I watched up to the 7th episode and then all online sites have been disabled.

Also Soul Filter is such a tease. They won't release any male clothes yet. But I have a feeling I know the inspiration behind this one.


Can't wait for Late Night EP.

@темы: Sims 3, Yoochunnie


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
This is really something, dammit!


@темы: TVXQ


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I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Вот странная вещь - раньше мне и в голову не приходило, что можно ошибиться СМС-кой. За несколько лет пользования мобильным не припомню, чтоб со мной этого случалось. А в этом году 7! раз получала СМС с незнакомых номеров, причем все с разных. Вот сегодня опять. Кроме того, меня приятно удивило, что некоторые узнав, что ошиблись номером, очень вежливо извинились и еще и оставили очень светлые пожелания. Что примечательно все, кроме одного в которм я не уверена, от мужчин. Думаете, Вселенная что-то хочет мне сказать?

Список чисто для себя

@музыка: Indochine - Un Grand Carnaval

@темы: myself


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
"Mister President of the United States..." Yoochun, I fucking love you! *sobs*

PS: I'm turning into a spamming monster! :rotate:

@темы: JYJ, Yoochunnie, crack


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I adopted a couple of cute little fellows. I won't be using them all the time, of course, and they're pretty distracting, but really cute. I chose 8, but so far Orange Su is my favourite.

Photobucket Photobucket

@темы: fluff


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
One thing I really miss is variety and bangumi. Finally found the Waratte Iitomo I was looking for.
I didn't know Tamori-san is such a pervert! He couldn't stop touchung Jae. I mean Asian men like to do that, but this was too much, really. This has to be one of the most epic molesting moments in the history of Japanese broabcasting. And most of the show they just talked about how much Jae works out and Tamori-san kept saying how good Jae's skin is and how pretty his face is. Poor baby didn't know what to do. It was really weird. But fun.


@темы: Jaejoong


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Вот список моих фильмов. Если кому надо берите.
Ян, передай Лене и скажи, что я ей фильм тоже скачала.


@темы: address

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

I have mixed feeling about this. I hope World Wide doesn't mean they'll be singing completely in English. I'm so not ready for that. At least don't let Yoochun write any more lyrics. In general I dislike this whole big-scale pretentious campaign, but I don't want to judge before it even started. Well anyway it's a very ambitious project, but nothing they can't acheive, so I really hope they succeed. And B1 sounds really corny, I hope they don't use it. Also seems like they have a new stylist. The clothes look weird, but I'm glad Yoochun gained confidence in his forehead))

@темы: JYJ

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


@музыка: Lady GaGa - Speechless

@темы: picspam, yoosu, JYJ


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I don't really wake up at night. But tonight I woke up after a few hours and it was as if I was meant to remember that dream. I remember it so well.
I was sitting watching telly or something and then there was news about some sort of wedding. I wasn't paying much attention until I looked up and saw the groom, or grooms to be exact. It was Yoochun and Junsu and no, they were getting married to girls. Junsu's was quite regular and Yoochun's looked kinda Caucasian or probably mixed. I don't remember the details, but basically they were saying that now that they're not binded by the contract they can do what they wanted for so long. Apparently tying the knot was in the plans. I can remember sitting there trying to lower the sound so that my Mum won't hear while telling myself: "don't cry, don't cry, not now." Then there were some YouTube clips and Yoochun talking in such a mature way (he seemed older too) and there was just one though in my mind: "It's over."

I don't think that can happen anytime soon, but just thinking about this twists my guts. I won't even begin to pretend I'll be happy for them.

@темы: Dreams



I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
jinagabeorin eorin shijeoren poongseoneul tago naraganeun yebbeun ggumdo ggueotji...


PS: I grabbed this fellow at the Korean Festival.

@темы: lyrics


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I was sorting my J-Rock scans and then I found this and I couldn't help myself)


@музыка: JYJ - W

@темы: Gackt, match, crack

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Писать ужасно впадло, так что коротко. Или как получится. Решение посетить Фестивать Корейской Культуры в Киеве возникло довольно спонтанно. Причем узнала я об этом мероприятии от Ару. "Если уж она идет, то мне просто положено." - подумала я. Все таки 15-й Юбилейный, к тому же в Киеве проводится только раз в 5 лет. Да и когда я еще увижу воочию столько корейцев?) Для меня вообще открытие существование Ассоциации корейцев Украины, Корейского культурното центра и особенно ассоциация «Корейцы Киева». Большинство пришедших были люди за 40, но было и немного молодежи. С моим изысканным вкусом приглянулся только один парень, но и это обнадеживает как-то.) На входе приветливо встречали милые девушки в хэнбок. С показом хэнбок мы пролетели ровно как и с хавчиком, так что остается написать о Гала-концерте.
Вначале я думала, что будут только выступления традиционные - танцы, барабаны, боевые искусства итд, а я не большой любитель народного творчества, но решила раз уж мы пришли, остаться и хоть раз посмотреть всю программу. Но были и современные номера. Невольно вызывали улыбку Татьяна Пак, вдохновенно читавшая стихи на украинском или Дима Ким, читавший рэп на русском. Мы очень надеялись услышать хоть что-нибудь родное, но было только 2 песни на корейском. Из прозвужавших единственная "родная" песня - это песня Maria из фильма "200-фунтовая красотка", но исполнение было достойное. Наличие ведущих придавало какую-то торжественность, а глядя на платье ведущей я чувствовала себя минимум на Gayo 2010. А еще в конце были блестки и шарики))
В целом, ничего особо выдающегося, но было приятно и любопытно.

(Фотка с новостей)

Отдельное Спасибо Neko-chyan, которая меня в последнее время выгуливает.))

@темы: report, K-pop


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
It's hard for me to understand what a creative crisis is. My problem is that I have too many ideas. No, really. About a dozen projects for videos, same number of drafts not to mention Sims and posts and other stuff. I don't know what to work on.

Also today it's 2 months since I started my 2nd YouTube account and I'm glad it's doing pretty good. I have 95 subscribers and over 30,000 views. I'm hoping to finish at least a couple of videos this autumn.

Lately I've been hanging on LJ a lot. It's not very handy, but I kinda got used to it. And I have to say I love capslock_tvxq for enabling me to paost all the stuff I'm too embarrassed to post anywhere else.

Finally posted the sequel to my fic. I'm very nervous and I know I need to improve a lot, but it feels good to know people like what I write. This time I got 11 comments. Knowing you made someone go "Awwww~" even for just a moment is magical. I know I might not respect the opinion of these people in other cases, but hearing my writing is beautiful makes me so warm inside. Now I began working on the final part of this little series.

It means a lot to me - being able to express how I feel about the characters and the situation at hand. It's diferent from videos. I intend to write mostly real-time stories as that is what I feel lacks right now. You never know what might hit you though, like the one with escort service I really hope to fininsh one day. Time to try and work out my 8.000 word drafts. It takes me awfully long to settle on the final variant, but I knew it before I began. I know I'm by far not among the best authors and it doesn't come naturally to me, but I will try to get better. You have to start with something and I like where I started.

@музыка: Mansun - Keep Telling Myself

@темы: myself, musings, fanfix