Touch - Sucks
Pacific - Decent
Color - Good
LIVE - Good
NEWS - Boring
This is a sad tendency but that's how it is. At first they had mostly terrible songs. The only song from Touch I like is I・ZA・NA・I・ZU・KI. Pacific was a considerable improvement. Color was a really good album with many hits and I left 11/14 songs. LIVE was still a very good album. I wouldn't call it a hit album but it had some really great songs. After becoming 4 the quality of songs has dropped dramatically. Most songs on the last album are really average and boring.
With b-sides what I did was basically take all the songs, listen to them and delete the ones that sucked the most, then those that just sucked and so on. I ended up with just 19. By the way, at the 2012 tour the boys had to pick 4 songs never performed before and I have to say I was glad that those 4 songs were some of the best out of those that were left. It's really good to know they have some taste.
Anyway, I ended up with 67 songs excluding the solos since I have yet to listen to the latest ones. I guess it's still quite a few.
I do worry about the future of NEWS music. They have releases like once a year and even then they are given such average songs. I also have to say that Tegomass songs lately have been very unimpressive. Maybe it's some bigger problem in the agency. I wonder how long are Tegomass going to keep this adolescent image. I mean now they're over 25 and too old to sing about the puppy love (Thank God!) so they've released an album that's supposed to be about reminiscing about the puppy love. Nice try. Nevermind, I just want to crush everything now.