I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I watched all 6 personal interviews from Shounen Club Premium. 2007 to 2009 the members came to the show one by one to reveal their side of the story. It was really interesting and this show is quite special in that the guests often talk about very personal things they have never talked about before. I also really like the host, Taishi, he gets very excited about just about everything, thanks to him the tension is always high.

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I almost surprised myself by watching Pi's and Ryo's parts but I guess I got to that stage. They were pretty interesting too though my respect for Pi sunk and my respect for Ryo rose. But I'll talk about that later.

It was really hard to get all the files, I went all around looking for them. Kato and Pi's were the rare survivors at newshfan's, got Masuda's and Tegoshi's at the request section of the LJ comm, Ryo's at the diary.ru's Kanjani8 comm and Koyama's at Veoh.

Overall I was pretty amazed at just how random the formation of NEWS was and how bad their bonds were before 2007. Like it was really tense and awkward and they were more like a collection of several small groups rather than a band. It appears that Yama Pi was pretty much pissed about being put in the band while Ryo was unexpectedly glad. I am also very impressed by Johnny. Like, "who is this guy?" How does he do it? I'm always amazed at how everyone just calls him directly if they have anything to discuss. And the way he picked out Tegomass just by listening to them. How does he even remember all these kids? There were so many amazing stories.


@музыка: Sugarcubes - Water

@темы: NEWS.

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So I just found NEWS' first TV performance, I mean at an actual music show. It was a Hey!Hey!Hey! one and they had it hard. But while I've seen the talk part I never actually seen the performance until now.

It's the first and possibly the last one with all 9 members and the thing is... they're GOOD. At that point they had THREE great vocalists. Plus Massu. So 3,5. Some JE bands have none. Not that it seems to matter. So anyway, the set is really good, you can see it really works (Except Yama Pi who is completely redundant with his intro). Private Hearts cause an incredible uproar, huh. But by 2006 they lost 3 members 2 of which just happened to be the good vocalists. I wonder how things would have be if that didn't happen.


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I just realized it now. Not only is there Yama Pi in this picture, the guy with the ponytail is actually Kusano! It that a middle finger? Bad Notti! Guess he got to hang out with the cooler crowd after all. But I'm not exactly happy about JJ being a part of this company. Not that it's surprising in any way.

@темы: video, NEWS., match

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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@музыка: Panic! At the Disco - Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks

@темы: OCD

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So Shige's third novel is due to come out in March. It's called "Burn" and I can make a couple of bad jokes on that. I kinda expected it at this point but still I am very glad. Three books is a serious deal and his plots seem to become more elaborate each time.

On the other hand there's no telling how this year will be for NEWS. So far there are no talks about anything NEWS. There's a Tegomass tour coming which is cool but that means KoyaShige will have a lot of free time. Well, Koyama has been promoted to main host recently so he's got a regular job but Shige only has stuff like his radio and Mirai Theatre. Maybe it's good, he's no good for my health. But I'm very amazed at how he can basically fit his inspiration into a tight schedule and write a book from scratch withing a month of two. I can't even write a fic in that time.

@темы: NEWS., Shige is my spirit animal


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
My last dream today involved me running away from this secret facility where they make zombies out of people. It seems like I was previously working there as well since I was in this lab and someone told me to do it to some poor sod but I couldn't bear it and decided to run off. It was this big building like a normal Ministry or something with a big hall and a central stairway but its wings seemed to go underground. So anyway at first I ran to the right wing and of course there were several zombies there and I thought I could fight them easily but it turned out much harder. I couldn't figure out how to fight and I was too slow to realize I had some melee weapons on me. I was still on the first one when I saw a group of some military men approaching and I know I was done for. But by that time I got an idea even though I seemed to have some kind of hints that told me that this was what I was supposed to do. PAUSE/LOAD Then there was a second chance and this time I knew I had to use my idea and ran to the second flood instead then descended down again. Like last time everyone ran to the right wing so I waited while they ran past the point where I'd been caught last time and then ran back to the main hall and outside. Outside it was sunny and beautiful, looked like morning. It seemed very peaceful and I knew I was safe. I also saw some figure flying and I remembered I could fly too so I did. I remember flying to this huge pedestal that looked like it belonged to a statue and looked back. I was free.

@темы: Dreams

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
When I knew Shige was going to be on the cover I thought that this would probably be it. You don't get Shige on the cover often, even less a cute Shige. It's funny how a year ago I had given away the January 2012 issue of Wink Up and now I requested another one. Well, that's what makes life fun: you never know.

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@темы: little treasures, Shige is my spirit animal


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Сколько дней блогу

@темы: diary


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
JE's ways keep messing up my head. I liked most of the new songs NEWS performed at Unsukoi but I couldn't find the studio recordings of them later. Today I took a look at the new 2013 album and was utterly appalled to find that it doesn't contain many of those songs apart from Chankapana/Full Swing and is made of new material which they most likely played at the 2013 tour. Like, WTF? Where's Let's Go To The Planets and other songs? This is so wrong. I have a feeling I'm going to get frustrated at stuff like this a lot from now on.

@музыка: NEWS - フルスイング

@темы: bitching, NEWS.


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I went to bed really early last night (must have been the champagne) but today I stayed up late watching the Big Fat Quiz 2013. It was pretty funny and quite a change since I watch nothing but Japanese variety lately which is cool but it was refreshing to watch something British for once. But I was pretty surprised to find that I actually knew quite a few answers, even some of the really peculiar ones though I hardly ever read the news. I guess it's all thanks to tumblr. Well, come to think of it I got to watch this show thanks to tumblr in the first place too.

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So today I watched my first JE Countdown. At first I thought it was too short but by the end I was kinda glad about it.

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Now I didn't expect much. I'd even say I expected it to be bad but I couldn't imagine how bad it was going to be. Frankly it made me a little depressed.

I heard that this year's line-up was kinda poor. Looks like all the popular crowd like SMAP and Arashi went to Kouhaku or other places leaving the Countdown to T&T, Kinki Kids, NEWS and all the younger bands. KAT-TUN made a brief appearance like some kind of elite with their new song but didn't participate in the usual medley of 56 songs. They were pretty good though, among the rest.

Also ex-NEWS members Yama Pi and Uchi showed up. Yamashita looked pretty good though even more android-like than before. But his singing was do goddamn awful I was surprised. I mean he was never good at it but in NEWS he seemed to do a decent job but today he was terrible, really. But then he was by far not the only one. I actually can't remember who looked like they could sing. It was pitiful.

NEWS participated in quite a few songs often mixed with other bands but overall I think they did well. Tegoshi, what the fuck did you do to your hair? It looks awful. But of course he kept making lewd faces at the camera and even said a few words before Chankapana. I really wish he'd act more natural. Shige on the other hand looked quite radiant and made those puppy eyes at the camera. Uff.

Best part: that time at Kibou Yell (where the lyrics contain the word ‘back’) Shige put his hand gently on Tegoshi’s back while Massu just shoved Koyama hard. Twice. It was really funny.

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@музыка: No Doubt - It's My Life

@темы: J-Pop, NEWS.

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
The first thing that come to mind is how much this year sucked. There were so many thing that went down. First there was a horrendously long Winter that never wanted to end. The Spring that only lasted a few weeks. A brief hope that I found my dream job which was crushed over the course of the next few months. The tough decision to leave the courses after 5 years. The Autumn filled with disappointment and anxiety. And the December that has pushed me to the edge of sanity.

Also somehow I found myself thinking how it's been 10 years from 2003 - a year where I graduated and a new age of my life began. Also a year when two of my very important bands were formed. So without meaning to I kept reflecting on this decade, it seemed like some sort of cycle. You know how these 10 years I kept having bad dreams about school? Well, they almost stopped. Not completely but it doesn't really bother me anymore.

This year I had struggle upon struggle even though there were some good things too occasionally. But I know I really tried my best and even if it didn't always work out I feel like I managed to do a couple of very important things at the end.

Right now I was writing my customary Totals post I thought about how the truth is that no matter how many terrible things have happened, even if they were yesterday - it doesn't have to matter. Today is today. Even if it wasn't the last day of the year I want to live in the today, take one step at a time. So now that it's less than an hour left of this year I want to leave the past demises and disappointments where they were. They shouldn't exist right now. I want to drop them off like a heavy load and proceed into the blank future.

:yolka11: Happy New Year!:yolka1:

@темы: musings

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Site of the Year: tumblr.
Obsession of the Year: NEWS
Movie of the Year: Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
Series of the Year: The Big Bang Theory
Dorama of the Year: Ie Ga Tooi
Anime of the Year: TIGER&BUNNY: The Beginning and ShinSekai Yori
Documentary of the Year: ?
YouTube Channel of the Year: Feminist Frequency
Variety of the Year: ItteQ
Game of the Year: Memoria
Book of the Year: THE HYDE
Quote of the Year: "Resistance is weakness and fear masquerading as strength. What the ego sees as weakness is your Being in its purity, innocence, and power. What is sees as strength is weakness. So the ego exists in a continuous resistance-mode and plays counterfeit roles to cover up your "weakness," which in truth is your power. Eckhart Tolle
Acquisition of the Year: Alice Nine ARENA37℃ BEST SELECTION File Book 2004-2013, autographed.
Person of the Year: Tegoshi Yuya
Artist of the Year: NEWS
Album of the Year: 'A Fever You Can't Sweat Out' by Panic! At the Disco
Rediscovered Artists: Maria Mena, PJ Harvey
Disappointment of the Year: So many. But mostly Marvel job and the Alice Nine fandom.
Music Disappointment of the Year: Alice Nine's 三ヶ月連続リリース, Jaejoong's solo. Hard to choose.

Soundtrack of the Year: 김재중 - Mine, 김재중 - 나만의 위로, Sousei No Aquarion - Akino Arai, Alice Nine - Himitsu, Alice Nine - Scarlet, 김재중 - Rotten Love, Maria Mena - Fuck You, Tegoshi Yuya - Ai Nante, テゴマス - ミソスープ, NEWS - Chankapana, テゴマス- Sayonara Boku No Machi, Panic! At The Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Panic! At The Disco - But It's Better If You Do, NEWS - I za na i zu ki, TOKIO - Sorafune, Fall Out Boy - The Phoenix, Maria Mena - All The Love, NEWS - Smile Maker.

New blogs: aliceninemacros, Sonyeon neomu yeppeo~, tegoshigeftw.
Acheivement of the Year: Keeping my shit together after all that went down.
Pairings of the Year: ToraxShou, KotatsuxBarnaby, Tegoshige


@музыка: NEWS - Smile Maker

@темы: Totals


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I'm done burning bridges but I also need to learn to move on.

@музыка: Panic! At the Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies

@темы: diary

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Today I finally met with my friend who works in Japan. It was a lovely evening....

I tried natto...

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@музыка: 手越祐也 - ごみ箱

@темы: little treasures, snapshot



I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I wrote more than a dozen NEWS posts already but I never really wrote one fundamental one. Now I know enough to do that.

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In a way it comes as no surprise, really. I mean I had a k-pop crush, then a J-rock one so now I had to come full circle and acquire a JE band as well. And what band. Apparently NEWS is the least popular band in their generation of JE (as compared to Arashi or KAT-TUN) and they also had a pretty bumpy road. But I really like them. Also their current average age is the same as mine and it really does matter as in a way we're on a same page in life, even though those pages are very different.

After the great TVXQ demise I try not to invest so much of my heart into bands. So far it's working pretty well, I guess. Of course there are still feelings of affection involved, I just don't take them as seriously as I used to.


@темы: NEWS.


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Now there are many things that make me depressed. But there's nothing more depressing than when mum makes me try on dresses. They all look good, I look good in them and I don't want to take them off but there's no point in keeping them. I had 3 dresses in my closet - white which I wore to the J-party, red which I wore to the prom and black which I never wore though I once lent it to my friend. That says it all.

@темы: angst, myself


K-pop 2013

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Since the TVXQ demise 4 years ago I haven't really been watching the K-pop scene. There weren't more than a few songs that caught my attention. Not that I was actively seeking but I did check some stuff from time to time. Lately as I got interested in JE I somehow began to compare it to K-pop (I'll totally make a post about that later) and ended up watching some K-pop MVs but it never really worked out. Today I decided to specifically watch at least a dozen of some of the more popular K-pop MV to make sure I'm not biased and see if anything catches my attention. Well, I watched a lot more but nothing came out of it. I was desperately hoping for something, someone to catch my attention, something nice and catchy like "Nobody" or "Barae" but alas.

Here's some of my thoughts:

Girl bands surprisingly left a better impression, but most of them still look too vulgar.

WTF happened to Girl's Generation? I've never been a fan but their early songs were cute but then they got generic and now they tuned into 2NE1?

Miss A continues to disappoint. I mean they look decent compared to most but not enough to hold my attention.

I had a pretty good impression of 2NE1. Until I saw Falling in Love Mv that is. Ugh.

T-Ara was probably a band that left the best impression. I like their visual style, it seems more consistent than the rest and their songs are ok.

Now boy bands were terrible. They all look and sound exactly the same to me.

I used to like Shinee a littel bit, even if just 2/5 members but all the recent MVs are so damn boring I can't.

I have no idea what to make of SM's baby EXO. Wolf made me cringe. Yet Growl is a pretty good song, probably the only one that stuck. They seem like good singers and dancers. Good job, SM.

Finally I decided to watch a couple of TVXQ MVs as my Mum urged me lately. Seeing them was somewhat comforting. HoMin are great performers, that's no doubt. But their songs seem to have evolved or rather devolved into synthetic generic bullshit just like Super Junior's. A shame, really.

Of course I only watched a small portion of what's out there and didn't get to any solo projects but seriously I don't think I want to see more.

My main problem with K-pop is that it's terribly overproduced. Most videos make my eyes hurt and some not just the eyes. Most songs sounded like they came out of a random sound generator. To me most K-pop acts resemble brightly wrapped colourful presents that are empty inside.

@темы: K-pop

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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Though TVXQ as I knew and loved it is long gone I want to wish them all a happy Anniversary! 10 years is a long time and I’m glad they made it this far despite the losses. To me they will always be the best band in K-pop.

@темы: Birthday, TVXQ


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
It's really nice to have your Mum as a fellow fan. It's cool to watch the concerts together and everything. But it's also pretty embarrassing at times. When you read other people's stories it's really funny but when it happens to you it's different. Even if they're the same things you thought yourself, that's even more embarrassing.

Last time we watched Live Diamond and at one point my Mum went: "Koyama, where's your ass?" and I was like o_O
Yesterday we watched "Utsukushii Koi ni Suru" and she kept making comments like "Tegoshi looks like a female hooker." Which he does. But I like it.

@темы: family

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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Even though my Christmas spirit is about as real as this snow.

@темы: NEWS.