
I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

How could I miss this? Wow. So MoonChild is re-released on Blu-Ray to commemorate its 10th anniversary. I might have brought it but it's freaking expensive. There's a lot of extra footage that I really want to see so I really hope someone will share. I only found this small part of it that was shown on TV. But it's lovely how at the very end they say how they are glad to have met each other which doesn't really have anything to do with the movie)

I learned it from a person back at gakuhai@lj. I haven't been there in years but I'm glad it's still up and running. I posted my translation and this girl thanked me and we got into a nice chat. This is nice. I especially enjoy talking to passionate but adequate shippers.

On a side note: 3 fandoms is just too much to handle. Don't do this to me!

@темы: MoonChild, GakuHai


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Wanted to post these for awhile. I really like Yuri Wa Aoku Saite. It's so indies in a good way. The eyebrows are still freaky but other than that I really love this look. Shou looking just like a pretty doll just makes me want to put him in a cupboard. And Tora's eyes are just haunting.


@темы: Shou, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Shou: Been awhile, Yokohama! It's good to be back. This is around Tora's hometown, isn't it? Welcome home, Tora!
Tora, smiling then making a face: It's not like a vacation though, I'm here working...! (laugh)

--from the encore MC, Court of 9 #1 Yokohama Blitz, 12.3.21

Aww~ :heart:

@темы: ToraxShou, Alice Nine

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


What is this fuckery? And of course hot water is too much to ask.

@темы: snapshot


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Beat Shuffle [2011-02-04 ] [Shou&Hiroto]

As it often is nothing interesting happens during the first 20 minutes of the show. But the latter half had some moments. They talked about physical training and the host was quite surprised to hear Shou does running. Then Hiroto said he often runs p to 7 km and the host was just shocked.

Since this happened just before Valentine's there was a question about interesting stories that happened to them on that day. Note: in Japan it's girls who are supposed to confess on this day. Shou said there's not much to tell. I couldn't quite catch it but he mentioned some girl from middle school who seemed to like him but nothing came out of it. Hiroto on the other hand had quite an interesting story. He told how one time in middle school he got chocolate from a boy. Basically he didn't know what to do but he was glad. All the while Shou had a mysterious smile on or maybe I'm just looking into things too much.

And then there was art...



@темы: recap, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So proud of them~

@темы: L'Arc~en~Ciel


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Almost teared up when I saw Laruku's concert in Madison Square Garden began with Ibara no Namida. One of the first songs I fell in love with. Damn, now I feel so insanely jealous. I really want to see them at least once.

@темы: L'Arc~en~Ciel

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I actually watched it before but...
This is a true must for SagaxShou shippers.


At first they talk about Hana and their 5th Anniversary. Saga said it's sad how fast the years fly by. Then the host asks them about their first impressions of each other. Now this is fun. Shou wrote: "Like a forest elf" He then proceeds to explain that the first time they met Saga had blond hair and a very pale skin and he looked very unusual walking in the middle of Tokyo. the host was very excited "an elf living in Tokyo!" Saga wrote about Shou: "His eyes are HUGE!" Saga explained that at that time Visual Kei was popular and everyone in bands tried to make their eyes look bigger putting a lot of make-up on but here was a person who didn't need that. The host asked whether they wear make-up now and Saga said "of course not". then the host said that when you watch the PV you can feel that Shou's gaze is incredible (Shou was like No no!) and probably makes girls fall down and Saga says: "yes, it does!" Then the next segment came. The host said they filled oou a questionnaire before the show and there was a question "something I worry about" Shou wrote "There's a fine line between genius and..." He said Saga can seem very cool but he's actually very weird. He told about that time when Saga ate from an ashtray. He said there are too many stories and he can't tell all of them but he often wonders: can this person be a genius acting like that?) Saga wrote "I don't get enough of your love" Saga complained that during the tour Shou keeps hanging out with Hiroto and "I can't forgive him! Why is he always with Hiroto?" Shou said: "I'm glad hearing this." Then there were user messages. One person wrote that in the Hana PV there's a part where Saga murmurs something into Shou's ear so she was dying to know what he said. The host asked whether he just pretended to say something but Saga said he did say something for real. Unsurprisingly he then said he really can't say what it was. That young girls in their 10's shouldn't hear that kind of things. The host asked: what about the men in their 50's? and Saga replied: well, they actually might be happy to hear it! XD So the host said they want to leave it to our imagination. Then they talked a little about Alice in Museum. Shou said "there you can find our EVERYTHING. Saga's everything too." and Saga quickly added "my underpants are there too!"XD They also mention that the Artist Book comes out which was directed by Shou and has Saga semi-naked! Host teased: "maybe you should do full nude?" but Saga was like: "full nude is a bit..."

@темы: recap, Alice Nine


March 25

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
- Europe Starts Daylight Saving
- Laruku become the first band to perform at the Madison Square Garden.
- My TxS community turns 6 months old.
And I am still trying to forget what this used to mean to me.

@темы: snapshot


Oh. My.

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


@музыка: 宇多田ヒカル- In My Room

@темы: yoosu


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I seem to be having a shipper!Sunday...

@темы: slash

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


@темы: GakuHai


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So I did find the original talk part but somehow it's different from the one I saw before. Anyway I did a translation. I tried to be accurate.


俳優をやりたい訳ではなかったんだど、ガクトと仕事がしたかった。台本読みでガクトの家に行ったんだけど、地下室で薄暗くて台本読めなかったんだよね。ライターを近付けて熱い思いをしながら読みました。喉が渇いて飲み物をもらおうとしたら、冷蔵庫にワインしか入ってなくて、ガクトに聞いたら飲まないって言うから一人で1本空けちゃいました。ガクトがモモをチラチラさせてて、あっ、ガウン着てたんですよ。誘ってるのかな?とか思っちゃいました笑ムンチャの話で、かな☆昔は王子様的なキャラだったのに、あんな輩になるなんて笑 みたいに言われてて爆笑したwすみません( ´艸`)

Do you want to act again?

It's not that I wanted to act, it's just that I wanted to work with Gackt. I went to Gackt's house to read the sсript but it was impossible to do in a dim basement. I read it with passion keeping a lighter close to it. I got thirsty so I asked for a drink but he said he doesn't have anything but wine in his fridge. When I heard it I said I can't drink that so he drank one bottle by himself. I noticed his thighs were showing so then I realized he was wearing a robe. Was he trying to seduce me? That's what I thought. (laugh) I wonder if it's a story about MoonChild? At first he was a character resembling a price but somehow he became such a fellow. (laugh) I'm sorry for laughing about it. ( ´艸`)



This was supposed to be funny but somehow I feel sad. There was also that time when he told Gackt was trying to kiss him at the press-conference. I just can't help but feel sorry for Gackt. Because I do believe he was in love. Probably stil is.

Added the long overdue tag.

@темы: Translations, GakuHai


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Забавный момоент сегодня был. Приходила знакомая. Между делом показывала ей свои журналы японские. Она взяла постер ДБСК и я пояснила, что это корейская группа и что они распались на 2 части. Она мельком глядя на постер (на котором, надо отметить, 5 отдельных фото) невзначай спросила: вот так распались? -проводя линию меджу фото Дже и Чанмина- Я в шоке немного спрашиваю "почему ты спросила?" Она говорит "Сама не знаю. Просто показалось так." О_о

@темы: TVXQ


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Some nights like this I really don't want to go to bed. I just want to listen to music and scroll tumblr forever hunting for pretty pictures.

@темы: one-liner



I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


Wasn't it just this year in the birthday post that I wrote how while I have enormous respect for Hyde he didn't really have much of an influence on me as a person and I'm not even that much interested to know more? Well, it just had to happen that on this very day his official autobiogrphy, THE HYDE was released and it's a book that is bound to drastically change my view of him. Hyde was never the one to talk about his personal life so I was quite surprised. He did disclose some things about his childhood but I can't remember where it was. Anyway. The book's content is a lot like Gackt's Jihaku released some 9 years prior. Many small chapters, pictures thrown in and also some self-made art and poems. I only read the first chapter so far but it left a very deep ipression on me and I really look forward to reading more. Even the first paragraph alone is so striking I was really amazed. But I love his style - very concise and up to the point. My Japanese is too poor and it would take me forever to read it but there's a girl who does a very good traslation. I really hope she won't give up on it.

Also now I am ever more determined to finish that long overdue video.

@темы: Hyde


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I watched the KBS News about the JYJ's South American Tour and it's 6 minutes of JYJ-related footage but THEY DON'T SAY THE NAME OF THE BAND ONCE, IT'S ALL 'K-POP MANIA' HOW IS THAT FAIR YOU FUCKING BITCHES? :bull:That is all.

@темы: bitching, JYJ


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Never been a big fan of Nao but honestly sometimes I feel so much respect for him just for the fact that he's brave enough to be himself.


@темы: Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Tora: ...I've been wearing the tour t-shirts, and they're new, right? New for this tour. And they've got the 'new shirt smell.' And it's so strong...! I can smell it so much, especially when my guitar strap rubs up against my shoulder...!

Shou: You need to do laundry.

--From Alice Nine Court of Nine #1 YOKOHAMA BLITZ 12.3.21

They are so much love. I want more of their MCs.

@темы: ToraxShou, Alice Nine

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Dayum, boy! That is amazing. :heart: Those tight pants also help.

@темы: JYJ, Junsu