Another summer of running just not to fall. It's been tough but I guess what really matters is whether you enjoy running. It was full of content - rediscovering Games People Play, watching a course of chemistry, fixing a broken friendship and learning enough to fill a hundred papers. I almost got a job too. For a moment, it almost seemed like this was it - my step forward. I was ready to work harder than ever to make it. Though I never quite settled into the idea and for a good reason, as it turned out. In the end, I'm just no good at making compromises with my dignity. It's a bitter pill to swallow and it did make me slightly depressed because it meant cutting the already too few options I have. But I don't want to dwell on it. One of the shows I watched this summer involved making a bunch of people search a needle in a haystack. You know who found it? The one who kept looking.