I pretty much proposed this drama for my mum to have something to watch. She already watched the Sensitive Coupe or whatever the heck it's called but I ignored it. Well, I didn't even try because of the grim start but I'm pretty sure I'd drop it anyway. This time, however, I got genuinely engaged and watched it from start to end. I'm now going to talk about why.

I almost gave up on Korean dramas for a few reasons. Usually, 16 full episodes is way too much to carry out a solid plot and even some decent plots often start to fail miserably about halfway through but here it didn't happen. Of course, some plot lines and twists were somewhat strained but there weren't any that made my want to hit my head against the wall. Though this is not a genre I'm interested in, I quite enjoyed it and hats off to the writer for being able to hold such a long and complex scenario for so long.

The actors and the characters were also pretty good. You could never be sure who's gonna turn out to be a traitor and things were never black and white which meant a certain level of character complexity. The drama even passes a Bechdel test despite only having 2 major female characters. Speaking of which, it's a rare one for me to actually like both of them. Park Ha Sun especially might even be my favourite female character in a Korean drama so far. She's very attractive and charismatic, capable without being clumsy and just really likeable. To be honest, it's the first time I'm disappointed the romantic plot line was never developed. And, of course, there's Yoochunnie. I've seen him in quite a few roles but so far I think this was one of the most complex ones. He really was brilliant in a way that you wouldn't praise him precisely because his acting is so natural.

It also helped that it was voiced over by Alliance and not GreenTea and they got a semi-professional team and do a really good job.

Of course, the drama has its flaws and they totally ruined the last episode but still I think it's a very solid one.