| четверг, 12 апреля 2012
Every time I begin to write a semi-intellectual post it seems so out of place here among the pictures of hot Asian men and game screencaps and I just give up on it. Like I've been watching some documentaries lately and I wanted to write how awesome Leonardo da Vinci was but is seemed way too weird.
I would dare call myself a very intelligent and educated person with a thirst for knowledge but my blogs hardly reflect that. Surely music and hot Asian guys and languages are my biggest interests but I am also fascinated by many other things. History, anthropology, psychology, biology, ecology, arts, even physics to some extent. I didn't read that many scientific books but within the last 5 years or so I watched dozens of documentaries on a wide range of subjects. At some point I just reached a point where I couldn't find anything I wanted to watch because I already exhausted all the topics I was interested in. Lately though I decided to take up some biographical documentaries. I was always interested in lives of outstanding people. For one I love reading interviews with my favourite musicians, but I am also curious about other artists I admire because seeing a work of art is one thing but knowing its story gives it that much more depth. I especially read a lot about Wilde, Salinger and Van Gogh. Although I never did finish that book about Einstein. But there are also just people who I find to be very interesting characters, especially Marilyn Monroe who is the biggest sex icon ever and yet one of the unhappiest people you could ever imagine.
This was a semi-intellectual post that is completely out of place.