No, no, that would be bad for me (laughs)! Even so, lately at lives, the way you converse is similar to that of comedians, is that also a change for you?
Tora: That is certainly a visible change (laughs). However, I have been doing this at the fan club lives. Lately, the live MCs have been so disordered that people don't just let it slide, so I thought "I must talk" (laughs). So that's why I've been doing my best, being in charge of the MCing. Although, it's quite tough in that I must do various duties such as ending the conversation, the timing of things when moving on to the next person, how to cope with times when people make mistakes (laughs)
So you do things while being attentive. So is it also a natural thing that your viewpoint is that you are in the position to compensate for what the band is lacking?
Tora: It is natural. As we are a band that often has both success and times where we miss the mark, I think that it's a waste. I feel that what allows us to think that we couldn't have done things better is the five years of experience we've had. So, I thought to be more useful to the band, and to do the things that I can. I think that I should relatively be more useful to people than others. Although I may not be the best, I can safely say that I am the type to handle things well (laughs). To put it in a bad way, I am a jack of all trades that masters none. Conversely, I do think that I should make use of that fact, now. Lately, I've somehow been thinking that that is perhaps my talent. Although I'm not the best at what I do, I will make use of the fact that I am involved in many things. Things don't go to well for me when I am fully immersed into one thing, so I'll take on many things, and conversely, if I take the intiative and do the kind of things that the other members can't do, I will be able to compensate for them. That is how I think right now.
Shoxx, vol. 212: Tora Interview (October 2010)
Another reason why I can relate to him so much. It's like, I know I'm not the best person for this but since there's no one else I have to do it. This kind of feeling. It's something I realized about myself fairly recently. Finding the things that are lacking and filling in is what I do. Although I can do a lot of things I suppose it really is my main talent.
| понедельник, 09 января 2012