
I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So right now I'm translating this TV sсript and I need to mark the male and female parts accordingly. It's a police show and every time I see 'police officer' or 'forensic specialist' or 'doctor' I automatically assume it's a man but half the time I'm wrong. It makes me realize just how well-conditioned I am.

@темы: issues, work


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
"Even a struggle through a time of low popularity can become an integral part of a group’s image. Though nothing succeeds like success in America, Japan prefers to lionize ganbaru, which roughly translates to perseverance. A good example of the appeal of ganbaru recently played out in the pop charts as Johnny’s group NEWS returned from an 18-month hiatus. NEWS had been struggling through both poor sales and an identity crisis. The group had never really gelled as a unit and, during the hiatus, old tensions came to a head and their most popular member, Tomohisa Yamashita, left for a solo career.

Contrary to how this would play out in America, Yamashita finds himself sinking further and further in popularity while NEWS came out from hiatus with a renewed energy and chart-topping single. It’s as if Justin Timberlake’s “Cry Me a River” was trounced in the charts by the remaining members of N*Sync!"

Source: http://www.popmatters.com/feature/166068-a-peek-inside-japans-tightly-managed-johnnys-entertainment/

That's an interesting look on things. I mean American articles tend to be very patronizing and include a lot of rumours as facts it's still fun to read.

@темы: J-Pop, NEWS.

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
The drama is over and it's time to drop a line. Or two. Or dozen. Anyway.

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Overall, it was a good watch, visually pleasing thanks to the setting and the cast. Also the awesome soundtrack. The actors did a really good job and I think Matsumoto really nailed it. There was also a good deal of humour which I really appreciate. But the plot is a different matter. At first I really found it quite exciting and was looking forward to new episodes but the further it got the more my interest dropped. I mean I likes some plot twists and some scenes but overall it felt they flunked a good premise. The last episode was very disappointing. Too much sap and everything felt so blurry and the ending had a bit of a WTF? feeling to it. I mean Souta had fucking 4 love interests and he ended up alone? It all just didn't make sense to me and basically I found it boring.

Initially I was very hopeful about Sekiya and Kaoruko. Meeting in a drama 9 years later I really wanted them to work out. But I lost that idea pretty soon. Kaoruko really disappointed me. I thought she's a strong and proud woman but she's awfully awkward and cowardly and keeps judging people even though doesn't even know what she wants. I don't like Saeko but at least her position makes sense. And her relationship with Sekiya was so pointless. (Actually, I was not only disappointed in Kaoruko but also Mizukawa Asami. From what I've seen she isn't much different in life. And while I was glad she's so different from all timid and kawaii hicks out there she's actually obnoxious even by my standards.) And Sekiya... well, he's not exactly a prince either. I dunno, he's a bit strange and it's not clear what he's thinking but at least he isn't hypocritical. And he's hot. Well, that didn't need to be pointed out.

Anyway, even though Shige's role was rather small and he didn't appear in all the episodes I think it was great for his career. His character is mature and cool and I'm sure he attracted some new fans.

Rating: 7 (Good)
Verdict: worth it!

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@темы: dorama, Shige is my spirit animal


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Perhaps the saddest thing about becoming adult is when you realize that the things that meant the world to you when you were younger now seem futile or even malicious. But what's even sadder is the fact that you know the things you love now some day will also lose their meaning. It really scares me, you know.

@темы: musings

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

Could he get any more beautiful? It's pointless but I feel so proud of him. He's still so bashful but kind of bashfully bold? Confidently bashful? If that even makes sense. Anyway, I really hope I can read his books one day.

@темы: video, Shige is my spirit animal


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I think I figured it out. I love myself. It's my life that I hate.

@темы: myself, musings

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

@темы: video


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Why do I feel like rather than getting wiser I just learn how to deal with myself?

@музыка: NEWS - Wonderland

@темы: myself, musings


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I finally made new avatars, 3 more. I actually deleted 4 though, too eager for change. I guess I'm still running away. From my memories, my past self, everything. But there is nowhere to run. It's like I made so much space for new things to come except nothing comes, I feel alone and empty.

@темы: musings


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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So I managed to get all 3 DVDs before midnight. Except I can't watch them, probably until next week. I'm gonna die from frustration. I didn't have work these past few days and I don't feel like doing anything productive either. Even the members posts. But lately I'm trying to stick to the things I really want to do which isn't much. I've been playing Neverwinter Nights 2 and it's kinda boring but I guess I'll go with it for now.

@темы: NEWS.


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Two phone calls, one text message and one u-mail. No answer. I never asked for much, did I? Never expected sympathy or understanding. Just someone to have a drink with once in awhile. Guess even that is too much to ask.


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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A sexy police officer and a sexy lab tech? Seriously? Now even my job is making me sexually frustrated.

@темы: work

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I got up in a shitty mood, haunted by yesterday's encounter and tomorrow's doom. But then... then I watched NEWS and somehow everything got better. I devoted myself to picture-searching, reading and writing the next article and all the kanji are tough but by evening all the shitty thoughts have vanished as if by magic. Yesterday's happening seems no more than a dream and tomorrow my apartment shall be desecrated once again but today... today I am calm. As if standing on a rubble in the middle of a boisterous river of life.

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@темы: musings, NEWS.

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I have some luck, you know. I'm kind of used to all sorts of "accidents" but this... So today is my mother's birthday and I went to buy her flowers around 4 PM (shame on me) and I was dressed lightly and feeling rather good about myself and then when I was in the mall I saw a familiar guy. The one I was in love with in high school. Well, I wasn't 100% sure but he seemed to look back too, after we passed each other which isn't really like him but we were too far and I would call out to him anyway. I continued on my way but of course all sorts of things happened in my head. I was like "Maybe I should have faced him though. And tell him what I really think." It was just like one of those romantic comedy moments where I imagined a scene. I'd be all cool like "Well, hello! Isn't it awkward meeting someone you proposed to 10 years ago?" All the while I was going back and forth looking for flowers but as a female in the background I figured he was probably going to the shop and shall be going back in awhile. I wasn't scheming, really. I still have some pride. It was more like "If it happens, it happens" And well, as I was going back a bit later we all but bumped into each other. I almost laughed. And I haven't really seen him in about 9 years and I was really hoping he's fat and bold by now but he didn't change much. Fucker. And there was a few second pause and then I was like "How's life?" and he was "How's it going?" - casual as ever - at exactly the same time. It was kind of perfect. We talked for a few minutes and my mouth wasn't cooperating all the time but I'm still proud of myself for keeping my shit together. I even had the guts to ask him if he were single. Which he is. He asked "What are you doing at such a place?" And I was like "What am I doing here? I live here." Which he should know. The thing is he doesn't live here. He doesn't even work here from what I gathered. What the actual fuck? Anyway, it was a bit awkward but not terribly so and then he just said "Well, I gotta go." Which came as no surprise, really. It felt like all those years never happened. It was just like a scene from a drama. Except it ended like life.

Thanks, life. You really know how to fuck me up. I have enough things to get depressed about as it is. They say time heals but it doesn't, really. Not if your memory is as good as mine anyway. Fuck, I really want to get wasted now. But I don't have anyone to do it with.

@темы: myself

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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* Name: Masuda Takahisa (増田貴久;)
* Nickname: Massu (used by bandmates), Taka (called by family)
* Birthday: 1986.07.04
* Zodiac sign: Cancer
* Blood Type: O
* Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
* Siblings: Older sister (by 2 years)
* Height: 171cm
* Weight: ~64kg
* Band colour: Yellow


@темы: NEWS.


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Why is it that the moment I find myself thinking "Hey, I'm kind of ok right now. I'm doing pretty well." The moment I think that everything seems to start crumbling and I know I'm sinking again. Tonight it was a mildly unpleasant dream but then I felt the teeth in my mouth shattering and falling out of my mouth.

@темы: Dreams, musings, snapshot


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So I'm mid-season on 4 shows and I realized belatedly that that's kind of too many. But two of them were on holidays and 1 episode a week wasn't enough. And now that I'm working on another series...

There's the Big Band Theory S7, visibly weaker but still passable

Shitsuren Chocolatier, I missed episode 8 since Sekiya wasn't even in it.

Then there's the Good Wife, it should resume today

And now I've taken Kinpachi Sensei which turned out to be triggering as fuck but it's too late now.

And then there's Rookie Blue S4 and I'm only on my second episode but you get attached to stuff you work on for days so. It's a decent watch but I have so many WTF about both the plot and the characters so it's not something I would recommend. It should have been named "Young hot policemen" instead and it seems like everyone has been dating everyone else at some point before. Also once again it seems the sсript writers get to express their sexual fantasies through the series, I mean right now there a hot blonde policewoman dating a hot brunette forensic lab tech.

@темы: series, snapshot


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So I was just on one of my search parties and…

Excuse me while I’m having a moment. I had this video for like 8 years.

@темы: match

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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* Name: Tegoshi Yuya (手越祐也;)
* Nickname: Tesshi (his bandmates used it when he was younger), Tegonyan (a cute way to call himself), Ero-prince (given to him at ItteQ).
* Birthday: 1987.11.11
* Blood Type: B
* Zodiac sign: Scorpio
* Birthplace: Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
* Education: Horikoshi Gakuen, Waseda University (Human Sciences)
* Siblings: None
* Height: ~168 cm
* Weight: ~55kg
* Band colour: Pink

A lot MORE

@темы: NEWS., Tegoshi Yuya

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I. History

The band NEWS was originally formed under Johnny's Entertainment in September 2003. Their primary function was to support the female volleyball team. They traveled with the team for a month and performed before the games. They were basically cheerleaders)) Now it has to be said that the band's formation was very sudden. They were pretty much herded to a photoshoot without being told anything and then a few days later they debuted. Well, actually, they didn't properly debut and despite releasing a single it was only sold in 7/11 so it didn't make it into the charts.

Originally there were 9 members aged 19 to 15 but rather than the age the members' status and experience varied greatly. The band's leader Yamashita (Yama Pi) entered the agency in 1996 while Tegoshi Yuya was there for less than a year. Not to mention two of the members were already a part of the band Kanjani8. Basically, at that stage NEWS wasn't a proper band but rather a collection of people. Apart from Yama Pi and two members from Osaka - Nishikido and Uchi there was also K.K.K. (Koyama, Kato, Kusano) who already performed together before, plus Tegoshi and Masuda who were supposed to debut as a duo and the youngest member Moriuchi. Actually, it would be fair to say that NEWS was originally formed around Yama Pi who was already extremely popular and it remained so for many years to come. Initially NEWS seemed like a one-time project and after the volleyball cup everyone got back to what they were doing before. Well, except Takahiro Moriuchi who left the agency.


@темы: NEWS.