
I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Dear Alice Nine!

You know I love you guys and all but it would really help you if actually made good music, because honestly the single you're about to release in 7 versions is boring as fuck.

Sincerely, your biggest fan.

@темы: Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I had one of the most amazing dreams today, the coolest ones always happen after noon though. The beginning of it was pretty normal but the last part was really something. The last couple of night I have been plagued by pretty disturbing and creepy dreams so I prayed about getting a really nice special dream. And so it happened.

The general plot was that me and my family went to some town, probably by train at least that's how we were supposed to return. But it wasn't going well and I was brooding. But it turned out I actually have friends in this tows - as if internet friends I never met. I think I met with one girl but she had t leave early. The next day they went out but left me at home and I couldn't contact them. In the end in was almost time to leave but I insisted that we go to town for a while. I think I was with my sister - my biggest tormentor - and when we got there in turned out to be the train station and the train was already about to leave. But I felt I really didn't want to leave yet so I just ran away. I saw the train took off and I think I was chased but as I was running I saw my friend flying on the broom, kinda HP style.

Ok, the best part starts here. She gave me a lift and so we flew away together. Flying is my favourite part about dreams but before that I think I always flew by myself. Anyway, as we were flying I was looking at the scenery below. It was all rural and looked amazingly real. Nothing spectacular, actually, but I was amazed by it and I knew the dream got conscious. We were flying pretty high too. Anyway, we arrived at this big building, it was a university. In fact, I knew it was a university from which I graduated and I had many friends there. The inside of it was kind of small and narrow but really pretty. I concluded it was a university of culture and art or something like that. I only remember one room well since we passed through it twice. It was the Japanese room, nicely decorated with some kimonos exhibited in the glass panels. There were some events that happened there, mostly just me meeting my friends going to the buffet. Then I remember very clearly I was walking through the halls and talking to this girl (who looked like my former classmate who I was never friends with). Just like when flying I was looking at the walls in excitement but the picture was not always clear, it kept getting blurry and sometimes faded completely, but I concentrated and managed to restore it. It was amazing which I told to the girl. I asked her whether she's conscious dreaming too and she said yes. Then I asked her whether she remembers it afterwards and she said "No, never". It all looked very real. Then we got to some sort of dressing room with lots of clothes hanging on the racks. I don't know what I was doing there but suddenly my mother appeared in front of me. she was dressed in a coat. She said: "It's time to go back." I really didn't want to but I couldn't refuse this time. So I woke up. At first to some other dream, then for real. It was 13 again. :rolleyes:

Must have been my Valentine's present.

@темы: Dreams

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


I finally got to it. One year after it's been released. I was waiting for someone to make English translations but alas! it never happened so I ended up reading the Russian editing at times checking the original.


@темы: Translations, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Hyde

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Like Drink every time Tora makes a comment about how many staff there are.
Drink every time Saga steals an introduction from someone
Drink every time someone mentions a bucket whether the bucket is present or not.
Take a drink the first time the guy in the horse mask steps out the door.
Drink twice if he’s wearing less than Saga did in Akatsuki.

Drink every time Nao screams.
Drink twice if Shou is the cause of it.
Drink every time Shou swears in English
Drink every time Shou is a sadist
Drink every time it seems like Shou is eye fucking Tora <= so legit
Drink every time Tora mentions that this is something some Visual Kei wouldn’t do.
Drink every time Tora mentions that people question if they are actually a legit band


Source: lapis-lazuli-rain.tumblr.com/post/42908692126/a...

@темы: crack, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
First I try too hard, then I feel trapped. It just happens. Like how some 3 weeks back I got all agitated about the future of the Alice9 Channel and I contacted all these people and tried to put together this video but now it turns out it was all in vain since they got a better one anyway but instead she wants me to translate the show and I'm like "yeah, I'm not so sure about that..." Well, I started it myself so it's no wonder. I may say it's something that brings a little chaos into my stale life but... Right now I have too many things I want to get done. Even before I had two unfinished articles as well as several fics I'm working on, I also realized there's one old video I really want to get subbed. But I never know what hits me. After watching the MSG DVD I had the strongest L'Arc flashback in years. And then The Hyde happened. I was honestly gonna write a longish post but it's become HUGe and I still have two parts to write. Though it was really fun to discuss it with people on tumblr.

I never back up on something I said I'll do so most of the time I try keep myself from giving promises on whatsoever. Alright. I'll think of a strategy, first things first. One step at a time.

@темы: musings, Hyde, fandom

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

I just realized that I forgot Jaejoongie's birthday. I was going to post it on the 4th but I totally forgot about it. It's the first time after 5 consecutive years of making a birthday post... I feel bad about it but I guess it indicates that my priorities shifted.

@темы: Birthday, Jaejoong


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Just watched the Madison Square Garden DVD. It was Xfhb:FergGpgveGFlilqrgNMB


Hyde, you little ageless bastard…

@темы: L'Arc~en~Ciel, Hyde, Concerts

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I made the transcript long ago hoping that one day it can be turned into subs. And a few days ago I found someone in the fandom who wanted to do something so proposed her to use my translation. We made this:

Surely it could be better but for a first collaboration work it's not bad and I'm glad. I don't think I can provide any more translations but we shall see how it goes. Right now I try to have a discussion about the future of Alice9 Channel subbing and more. Hopefully, there will be more to it.

Thanks to: tokanlucero@tumblr

@темы: Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
The test went fine but more importantly the JLPT results came....


I didn't even expect them to come so soon but... that's Japanese for you!)

Being the boring person that I am I don't feel very pleased, I rather feel I could have done better. Oh, well. Basically, that's about as much as I expected.

@темы: 勉強


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
"Занимаясь любимым делом, я погружаюсь в него с головой. Если это не очень любимое дело, то мое внимание рассеивается. Я хочу сочинять музыку и тексты песен, но этот процесс сам по себе мне не нравится, поэтому концентрация отсутствует. Например, когда я рисую, то могу заниматься этим долго, забыв о еде. Когда я пишу музыку или стихи, то постепено появляются мысли: «А не пора ли обедать?» Конечно, я очень рад, когда у меня получается что-то хорошее, и отчасти я работаю и ради этого. И еще я думаю о том, что если будут новые песни, то будут и концерты, а если будут концерты, то можно будет сделать тургудсы, и с этими мыслями я и пишу музыку. Но вообще-то я не люблю писать музыку и тексты."

"Я сейчас практически не слушаю музыку и не смотрю новые фильмы, так что использую одно и то же (смех). Я постоянно возвращаюсь к прошлому, к возрасту до 20 лет, когда я много слушал музыку, в основном нью вэйв и трэш-метал.

Мне нравится моя работа - создавать музыку самому, но, к сожалению, я почти полностью утратил интерес к прослушиванию чужой музыки."

The hyde продолжает изумлять.

@темы: Hyde, quote/unquote

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
It looks like I completed 10 works of fanfiction so I made a masterpost.

There’s a bunch of JYJ and Yoosu fanfics and the rest is all ToraxShou.


@темы: fanfix


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


Every year I go “I can’t believe this man is …”

@музыка: L'Arc~en~Ciel - wild flower

@темы: Hyde, Birthday


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I just met this girl I knew from school. It's been 10 years and she doesn't look older even a day. We talked for a while and it was nice and all the while I kept telling myself "Don't tell her she looks amazing, it's gonna feel weird." She does though, she looks so young and fresh and completely natural. She was also with this really ugly guy. No surprise here, but damn. What the hell did I do in my last life to deserve this? Why do I have to live in this city where the women are gorgeous and the men are fugly? T__T

@темы: musings, people

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So this little miracle happened - I actually figured out why the Sims was crashing on me and now everything seems to be perfectly fine. It's been giving me a hrd time for so long it's hard to believe. But anyway, I shall enjoy it to the full!

First of all, I'd gotten the new house for Seasons since the last one was very Summery and honesly no that great. This house is cool although it turned out to be very inconveniently constructed inside as well as unfurnished. I already did a lot of renovations and design so now it's pretty damn awesome.



I'm just beginning to explore the Seasons but I already love it ♥ I guess I'll post more later. This was just a short excited update.

@темы: Sims 3


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So I was working on my fic and since I try to fit in in the real timeline I actually had doubts whether it won't interfere with actual events and I went to check what they were doing that year, that week and I saw it fits in perfectly with my story. Score!

@темы: fanfix, OCD

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


Ladies&Gentlemen, it happened. Mum wanted something to watch, we tried 2 1/2 men, it was lame as hell so then I decided to give this a try. I saw a bit of it a few years ago and I thought it was ok although I wasn't too impressed. But this time is was different.

The beginning was mildly entertaining but as we watched it kept getting more and more amusing. I also got lucky to find a great dub which matters a lot. Some episodes are much funnier than the others but overall I quite enjoy the show and my inner geek is cheering. My Mum adores Sheldon. At first I kind of thought he was a giant asshole but slowly I got fascinated with him. Either way Jim Parsons is a genius and he can be attributed for 50% of the show's success.

What I'm not sure about though is how it got so popular. I mean surely there are lots of geeks in US but this much? I mean, how many people know about things like Schrödinger's cat ? I'm not really good at physics but I know a lot of stuff and it's nice that I'm able to understand at least some of the references but I bet it's even funnier if you understand more.

We've just finished Season 2 and at the rate we're going it won't take us long...

@темы: series, i'm a geek


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Some think every weather has it's charm. Well, NO! Not this one. The city's one huge fucking skating rink. It'll be a miracle if I live through this winter without breaking anything.


I hate this shit.

@темы: snapshot


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I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Ok, I guess I need to realize that band is band and agency is agency and any enterprice is the result of the collaboration between the two. But 7 versions of the single? Really? With two more single coming right up? That seems absurd. I was really hoping for a Countdown DVD too. I even specifically thought about Blue Planet and the possibility of finally seeing Shou kiss Tora. Oh well. They must have their reasons. My bad for getting my hopes up. Well, I guess I should be rather excited about the PV and and of course Hello World. But not even Making?

@темы: Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I made this truly fabulous gif of gay magic. I was pleased with it that I also made an avatar and changed the diary image, for the first time since I made it. While I was at it I decided it's time to change the design as well so here we are ♥

@темы: diary, Shou, my!gif