I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


Summarizing from all the articles.....

"I've always thought she's so lovely."
"Meeting her like this..., I haven't been this happy in a while."
He called her 'gorgeous', 'sexy', and 'beautiful'.
When asked by the host what he thought about Alba's Hilfiger look of the day, "That question's lame. She's perfect already and beautiful no matter what she wears, so I wonder if Tommy's clothes can make her look any more beautiful..."
After this, he also said "Can you tell I'm nervous?"

"I wasn't expecting so much compliment. I'm happy I met him, too. I'm excited to know more about GACKT's music, too."

Tommy on GACKT
"I'm very impressed with him, and he's extremely talented."


Somehow rather than being excited at seeing them together it made me a little sad. It's like: "first Hyde, now her... All of his perfect women are taken." >_<*

@темы: Gackt, match, news


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I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
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My Lady.

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Excuse me, Miss, I think I love you.


@темы: Hyde


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
JYJ’s Kim Jun Su will release his solo album.

On April 16, JYJ’s agency, C-JeS Entertainment, announced, “JYJ’s Kim Jun Su will release his first solo album in May.”

Kim will release his solo for the first time after he debuted in 2004 as a member of JYJ. Since he is one of the best talented idols, many people are eagerly anticipating his album.

Kim will show off his musical skills through his solo album by producing it by himself and writing most of the songs.

Baek Chang Joo, president of C-JeS Entertainment, says, “Kim is the most valuable singer in Korea. He is very talented as a singer/songwriter. He can also capture the world with his powerful performance. We can’t tell you about the concept for the album and title yet, but I think his album will be the best album in the first half year.



@темы: news, Junsu


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
The ViViD Style

April 21 at 21:50 JST


The Alice9 Channel - 22nd April 11:00PM JST! ^0^


Visual Battle Royale 28, 29


NicoNico, Y U NO stretched evenly in the month?

@темы: post-it note

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


Happy Easter!


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
You guys don't fight?

Shou: Not much. Since our formation, fights that involved rough words happened only about 5 times I think?

Hiroto: One thing I remembered is during a tour in Ibaraki or somewhere in the midst of a live, I entered the audience area that was not supposed to be part of the plan in the midst of a song. Before the encore, in the dressing room, Shou-kun was really mad like I've never seen before and i got seriously yelled at.

Nao: Aaah~ that happened.

Hiroto: But after about 2 minutes, he gave me a tight hug.

translated by pokkori_a9@Lj

OMG, that is SO SWEET

@темы: inter:views, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

Photobucket Photobucket

‘You can give me a virtual blowjob on stage but don’t you dare touch my hair, bitch!’

That’s my boy! ^o^

@музыка: Sugizo - Parallel Life (for silent movie)

@темы: Shou, slash



I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I've never liked SuG. Actually, I sort of couldn't stand them. I remember seeing the first 10 seconds of their Gimme Gimme PV in PSC Battle Royale last Summer and thinking "what is this monstrosity?" I never liked Oshare but this is just... scary. Even the names of their songs alone freak me out. Also SuG is all about Takeru, this goblin whose creepiness is truly unparalleled. How so many people like him is beyond me. I mean his face is actually kind of beautiful even but the faces he makes and the look in his eyes combined with make-up and hair makes him really creepy. No wonder I never really noticed other members.

Then not long ago I saw a picture with this beautiful creature and was surprised to find he is the leader of SuG. I was like: "Why did it have to be Sug of all bands?" There are many J-Rockes I consider pretty or handsome but very few who I think are really beautiful and I have to say Masato is one of them. Even without make-up he looks great. I was also impressed how despite the genre he always looks elegant. But it's not just the looks. Of course I know almost nothing about him but his smile is so incredibly warm, almost motherly and he gives the impression of a very kind and caring person. Also, he has a special mole, same as Shou.


While writing this post I even made an effort and looked through some PVs. I actually found some songs to be alright but usually 90% of their PVs is Takeru making faces so I had to pass. But I decided to save a few for collection's sake. I was amazed that even though the band is pretty successful I couldn't find many pictures of Masato, it's all Takeru and a bit of Chiyu. I just don't get it.

Seriously, people?


@музыка: SuG - scheat

@темы: J-Rock


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Every time I begin to write a semi-intellectual post it seems so out of place here among the pictures of hot Asian men and game screencaps and I just give up on it. Like I've been watching some documentaries lately and I wanted to write how awesome Leonardo da Vinci was but is seemed way too weird.

I would dare call myself a very intelligent and educated person with a thirst for knowledge but my blogs hardly reflect that. Surely music and hot Asian guys and languages are my biggest interests but I am also fascinated by many other things. History, anthropology, psychology, biology, ecology, arts, even physics to some extent. I didn't read that many scientific books but within the last 5 years or so I watched dozens of documentaries on a wide range of subjects. At some point I just reached a point where I couldn't find anything I wanted to watch because I already exhausted all the topics I was interested in. Lately though I decided to take up some biographical documentaries. I was always interested in lives of outstanding people. For one I love reading interviews with my favourite musicians, but I am also curious about other artists I admire because seeing a work of art is one thing but knowing its story gives it that much more depth. I especially read a lot about Wilde, Salinger and Van Gogh. Although I never did finish that book about Einstein. But there are also just people who I find to be very interesting characters, especially Marilyn Monroe who is the biggest sex icon ever and yet one of the unhappiest people you could ever imagine.

This was a semi-intellectual post that is completely out of place.

@темы: i'm a geek


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I can't believe that Ancient Aliens made it to season 4. The level of speculation has risen inevitably but I skip some episodes. It's hard to predict the level of relevancy but some episodes are still very interesting so I'll go with it.

@темы: documentaries


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Darling looks so distinctly medievalish and so hauntingly vampire-like... Just like the old black&white horror movies. Me likes.


@темы: Tora


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
My mum actually downloaded the Team H MV since she likes Geun Suk. We suffered through it and then I was, like: "Now you understand why I stopped listening to K-pop."

@темы: K-pop


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
すべてへ (歌詞;)



遠回りをして 傷も痛むけれど
指先から 音が溢れる

心はほら ここにある
拙い歩調で 行こう

スピーカーから 流れ落ちてくるラヴソング
在りもしない 幻想を滑稽に垂れ流す
壊れて響き合う それでもいいさ

すべてをまだ 愛している
狂ったように 騒がしいけど
きみの事 彩る世界を

かけがえのないもの 守りたかったもの
大切な物程 痛いね

だけどきみの声を 抱いてゆけるのなら
0だって 1だって 足してゆければ いいから
確かに 届かせて 触れて繋ごう
すべてをまだ 愛している
不確かだとかさ きみは言うけど
きみの事 彩る世界を

Attempt at translation

@темы: lyrics, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

Since I finished Older I decided I might as well try to finish other unfinished business in old fandoms. It's an old video made in 2008 with the help of Windows Movie Maker and lots of enthusiasm. I edited it a little bit fixing and adjusting some details to give it a new life because I think it's quite good.to give it a new life because I think it's quite good.

@темы: fanvid, yoosu


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...



@музыка: Kalafina - 光の旋律


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


LOLed so hard at this. But the most amusing part is how they became friends in the first place. They had sex! It wasn't direct though, it was through the Discreet Rendez-vouz. Somehow Mr. Reaper was listed there and I decided it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so yeah. And apparently he was REALLY damn good!)

Also THIS.


I had nothing to do with it, I swear. Well, apart from making them live together but that doesn't mean anything, I used to do it on purpose but it never worked.

@темы: Sims 3

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Ok, some of these look so legit it's just wrong.


+extra Shou

@темы: crack, Alice Nine

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
- When are you going to get a boyfriend?

- Why aren't you wearing that lovely skirt/sweater/?

- Don't you think it's time to get rid of that old t-shirt/sweatpants/..?

- Did you eat? What did you eat?

- Doesn't that guy looks/acts gay?

- Why are you listening this? Why haven't you been listening to those other boys?

@темы: family


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
These kind are... aish...

unsu to Yoochun: 전하…동시간대 드라마 1위를 감축드리옵니다…^^역시 …ㅋㅋ
[TRANS] Junsu to Yoochun: Your Highness…Congratulations on your drama ranked number 1 in the time slot …^^As expected …keke

Junsu to Yoochun: 저하 인가..?
[TRANS] Junsu to Yoochun: Is it Your Highness..? (T/N: Junsu uses Jeon-ha, then Jeo-ha to call Yoochun, which both mean Your Highness)

Junsu to Yoochun: 아!!세자저하…… 옥체는 어떠신지요?
[TRANS] Junsu to Yoochun: Ah!!Crown Prince…… How is your royal body?

Junsu to Yoochun: 저하…어디 가셨사옵니까??
[TRANS] Junsu to Yoochun: Your Highness…Where did you go??

Junsu to Yoochun: 계속 이런식이면 죽음으로서..저하를 데리고 갈수 있음을 명심하세요…….^^
[TRANS] Junsu to Yoochun: If you keep being like this, as ‘The Death’..please keep in mind that I can take you with me, your Highness…….^^

Junsu to Yoochun: 세자저하..내품에 안겨 편안히 눈을감아..위로해줄께…잘수있을꺼야..모든 촬영도 끝날꺼야..당신을인도해줄께..더나은 현장속으로..세자저하..세자저하..널 사랑…….앗!
[TRANS] Junsu to Yoochun: My Crown Prince.. Come to my arms. Close your eyes peacefully..I will comfort you…You will be able to sleep..All shootings will come to an end..I will lead you..To a better shooting spot..My Crown Prince.. My Crown Prince..I love y…….Ack! (T/N: Junsu changes the lyrics of one of the song in Elisabeth)

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@темы: tweets, yoosu