
I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Ребус для тех, кто умеет читать хирогану))

Здесь Тора-сан написал название своей любимой песни, американской группы. Я зависла. :)

@темы: flashmob, A9 Channel, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
In my quest to collect the ultimate HQ Music Video collection I finally reached Malice Mizer. The downloading, burning, ripping and re-ripping was a lot of work, but the result is good. Now I've got another almost perfect PV set. :heart: I also downloaded a better-quality Voyage DVD, but hell knows when I'm going to watch it. Downloading 3 DVD images right after disabling the DVD-player, is not smart at all. :rolleyes:

Today didn't go as planned, but hey, at least I did a little demonstration on the basics of fanservice J-Rock) :D

Speaking of which last night I also realized most of the video bits and pieces are still as poor quality as used to be 5 years ago when I smuggled it. So I ripped Illuminati Live in HQ. Nostalgic, isn't it? Brings back all the good memories. :eyebrow: !!!!!

@темы: OCD, J-Rock


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I really don't need much. Just a good concert and a glass of wine every once in a while. Do I ask for too much? Why is this shit happening to me? I'm so tired of this. On top of that I'm so bitchy lately. Maybe it's because I haven't seen chocolate in weeks, or milk or any unhealthy nutritious human food. I feel like I'm going a little crazy, like I might turn into some damn hippy. But it's ok, I'll get thought it somehow.

@темы: bitching, myself


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So in my infatuation with Shou Alice Nine I decided to go further than the mere polished image in the PVs and albums. After some digging I found myself at this Chile blog downloading Live Radio. I was afraid it would break the charm, but that wasn't it. Shou is very pretty and charming off-stage as well (especially since he grew back them eyebrows ))) he's a bit shy and very friendly. And obviously he's a camwhore but with his looks I can totally sympathize. I haven't really heard his speaking voice up until now and I have to say it at first it sounded kind of foreign and somewhat disappointing. I feel that is doesn't seem to fit his looks. But after awhile I got used to it. As for his vocals, I heard a lot of criticism, but from what I saw he's pretty good.

As for the rest of the band, I came to quite like them as well. Unlike many bands who barely speak to each other offstage, they seem to get on very well. Hiroto is really cute, but in a small and cuddly kind of way. To me he looks like a cross between old-school Toshiya and Ueda. Tora is very snarky but fun. Nao is very soft and cuddly. I see now why they nicknamed him Pooh. Still he's pretty atypical leader. And Saga... is weird. I can't figure him out.


@темы: Shou, match, A9 Channel, Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Сбылась мечта... Наконец-то купили медиа-плеер. Они играет почти ВСЕ! Есть, конечно, и недостатки. ДВД не вставишь и с сабами немного странно, но это все мелочи. Любые форматы, ничего не заедает и, конечно, я познала счастие кое зовется HDMI. Теперь ничего не нужно пересчитывать, наконец могу смотреть видео, которые не влазят в экран монитора. Хорошо, что не все пересжала. Теперь экран полностью заполнен. :heart:


Но кроме всего этого я в восторге оттого, что не нужно больше мучится с дисками и флешками - я просто закидываю все на винт! Уже скинула все клипы и получаю эстетические экстазы. Прийдется пересмотреть свою позицию по поводу HD-видео. :shy2:

@темы: OCD, little treasures

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

Я тут залила сборник музыки ГынСака для Ште. Довольно большая коллекция их всех фильмов, рекламы и прочее. Если вдруг кому-то еще интересно выложу тут.
Mediafire hates me. :-/



I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Совсем уже страх потеряла. Оставлять на несколько часов открытый недописанный фик NC-17 и уходить. :rolleyes: На английском, конечно, но все же. Вообще странно, пока писала мне даже совсем не мешали члены семьи в соседней комнате.

@темы: fanfix


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I really miss reading good fics at least once a week, now it's more like once a month. Lately only scarletpeonies saves me once in a while.

Yunho! ^o^

... What ...

I got another manpurse!

... the sixth, right?

No, it's a pretty one from YunJae fans.

.... oh ...

Yeah well, it's fucking amazing. I love it. At least, I get free shit from them, ne? ^o^

i guess? er, i do 2 xD;;;;

Oh I read another really bad fanfic. FML, this time I was a slut and you impregnated me again.

.... aren't you a slut and pregnant in all of them? o.o

... Fuck you. TT

LOLing forever.... :lol::lol::lol:

@темы: fanfix


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Damn. I really wanted to order that DVD, but 99$ is way too much. It's the first time Japanese edition is cheaper than the Korean one. :-/ Maybe I should order Mozart! instead.


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I turned down the mod position. I could say it's because I find it hard to keep up with what has been already posted and what not or because I can be a little forgetful, but in the end Number 1 reason would be: it won't pay off much. The comm has an average of 0 comments on their posts and I just don't see the point. The same reason I decided not to make all those photo posts any more. Maybe once in a while I will, but not now. Within the last month my Mediafire account received 1000+ downloads, but there were only a few comments. I'm too vain to share without any expectations at all. I know you never get 100% feedback and I don't ask for much, but I could really use some appreciation.

@темы: fandom


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


Don't just stand there, Yoochun! Do something! :smirk: Ah, I forgot you can't do much. What a shame. :-/
I can't believe the Pose Player was released weeks ago and yet there are no naughty poses. None at all. WTF, people? :emn:

@темы: Sims 3


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
My graphics card arrived! :inlove: My Precious! The problem is there's no one to ask for help with installing it. I really don't want to give away my PC to some random dudes, they always mess up with it. I guess it's just another challenge for me.

I DID IT!!! :vict: I can't believe how cool I am. :gigi:

@темы: PC


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

The filming for You're My Pet doesn't begin until May, but GeunSuk has other surprises. I just found out he releses a Japanese single. The PV is already out, though the quality is pretty low. It's so strange hearing him sing in Japanese, but the song is not bad.

Also I saw the press-conference in Singapore. I didn't have much hope for his English from just 6 months spent in New Zealand, but apparently he wasn't wasting his time (like some) and he can talk more or less. :inlove:


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Finally done with that torrent of Gackt's old lives. Took me a couple of months and I almost lost hope, but today it went through. There are several gigs worth of old lives and some are really crappy quality, but I don't have the heart to delete them. I really wish I could have them in high quality, I got so pampered lately with all the HD and stuff.
One of the best things about TVXQ breaking up is that now I can spend more time listening to really good music.

@темы: OCD, Gackt

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
A couple of years ago I watched a documentary about what people consider beautiful about other people and why. There was one segment on how one scientist Dr. Stephen Marquardt may have discovered the secret of beauty. He basically calculated it. And it's all in proportions. So a beautiful face is proportional according to Golden Ratio: the “perfect face” has a mouth that is 1.618 times wider than the nose, eyes that are 1.618 times wider than the mouth, and so on. The overall shape of the face, size and shape of the jaw, and shape of the cheekbones also factor in, resulting in the so-called “Golden Mask”- an overlay of a “perfectly” proportioned face.

The thing is the mask was initially developed for women. When Marquardt first made his claims, he argued that his mask applies to both men and women, but recently he has changed his argument. Now he says that his mask applies to women, i.e., the archetype is a female face, and has come up with a male variant of the mask. But the male variant is secondary and it sort of undermines the idea.

So I used the original mask and played around with it a bit and of course the female mask fits some men very well.


Suppose in a way it helps me understand why all of the men I consider truly beautiful have very androgynous faces. If we are to talk about attraction though, it's a whole different story altogether.

The reference site:


@темы: i'm a geek


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Да, у меня новый дизайн. Очень новый. Это первый раз за 4,5 лет существования дневника, когда меняю фоновый цвет. В первую очередь для глаз облегчение. Во-вторых, просто потому что сейчас стараюсь как можно больше всего изменить, даже по мелочи. Ну, и в-третьих, Весна все-таки!)) :white: Потом может доработаю цветовую гамму, просто решение было внезапное.

@темы: diary

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
First, ‘Boy’s Letter’ is a sweet ballad that holds the heart of a young boy for the girl he loves. Kim Jaejoong participated in the song’s creation.

‘You’re’ is a bright and airy song which holds the message of ‘You, I, and We are One’. Kim Junsu wrote the lyrics.

‘Get Out’ expresses the devastation and the fury of a man who witnesses the scene of love between a woman that he loves and his friend. Kim Jaejoong composed the song, and Park Yoochun and Kim Jaejoong co-wrote its lyrics.

The fourth new song ‘In Heaven’ makes the listener’s heart ring with the heart-tugging harmony of the three members. Kim Jaejoong wrote and composed the song.

Jaejoong also composed music for Dancer Time.

Yoochun: It is JYJ’s first tour abroad. The pride at the fact that ‘now we have enough songs that allow for a concert’ came to me first. I want to leave a strong impression unique to three of us to many fans and also want to show us as competent. I think this concert is going to be one in which I can evaluate for myself—‘I myself am currently at x stage (of life/career) and can go and reach x.’ I think this will be an opportunity for us to grow as artists.

@темы: JYJ

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


5-0 against a girls' team. But of course, once they saw Junsu they'd just forget about the game and go: "Oppa! :inlove: "

I only wish Yoochun would participate too. I'm not so fond of Su jumping at or being squished and molested by random dudes.


@темы: Junsu, fluff



I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

I find it ironic how this kid is such a big fan of Yunho and a Jaejoong-lookalike. He's all like "Yunho sunbae! :inlove:" Even his cellphone wallpaper is Yunho. I get angsty fanfic scenarios.

What I really hate is that most replies are bashing. Wtf is wrong with you, people? Even if he does copy Jae, who cares. He might be acting a little creepy with the twitter and all, but if he wants to get closer to Yunho it's his business. But then again YunJae fans are completely out of it and really scary.
Also the next time I hear someone call Jaejoong 'umma' or 'wifey' I'm gonna go berserk. :apstenu:

@темы: fandom, yunjae


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Я всегда радовалась, что у меня хорошее зрение, но последние несколько месяцев я стала замечать, что что-то не так, предметы начали расплываться и меня это очень пугало. Сегодня наконец проверила и вот - зрение на правом глазу сильно упало, особенно это заметно вечером. Блять. Только этого мне не хватало. Но я этого так не оставлю, это лишь еще одна проблема, которую нужно решить.

@темы: myself