
I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
В этом году прибавилось 4 новых ПЧй. А количество комментариев по-прежнему близко к 0 (не считая Neko-chyan, конечно). Нет, я не хочу ныть, но не понимаю. Я вот только тогда подписываюсь к людям, если мне у них что-то интересно и хочется откомментировать. Впрочем, даже люди с сотней ПЧ задаются этим вопросом. Наверно это извечная загадка дайри. :rolleyes:

@темы: diary


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
На днях купили хлебопечку. Какой красавчик! :heart:


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong, who recently stood at one of the most important crossroads in his life, didn’t say much at first and gave a relaxed smile for a while. He finally opened his mouth to speak when we asked him, ‘Are you content with your life right now?’. His answer was short and precise. “I’ve finally realized just how good it feels to be free.” But it took him over a year to find his balance once more; now, he remains unshaken even when his surroundings suddenly shift. It is because he has learned to accept reality and feel joy in the smallest things.

Exactly one week after the interview was held, Kim Jaejoong uploaded a photo onto his personal Twitter account. It was a picture of his fellow members Kim Junsu and Park Yoochun joking around and grabbing each other by the collar, as if they were fighting. He uploaded the photo with a couple of captions, “How happy I am!” and “They get along so well that it’s becoming a problem!” The words he had said during his interview popped into my head as I saw his tweets.

“I wonder if there was ever a time when I laughed as much and as comfortably as I do now. Everytime I see Junsu and Yoochun and think that it’s only the three of us, my heart jolts. I often feel happy that we are together and that we are making things happen with what we’ve got. I’m glad that fans are beginning to realize this though they were worried at first. Though we know what their worries are, I just want them to watch over us. We’ve held on so far. I always have and always will believe in the power of time.“

How can I ever let go of them when I know exactly what he's talking about, when it's as if fate itself gives me strength through them.

@темы: Jaejoong

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Когда услышала новость - неприятно немного, но лишь немного, а не то что раньше. В последнее время мне стало просто почти безразлично что они так вообще делают. А потом подумала: "Зато их любители наверно так радуются". Вскоре несколько постов избранных подтвердили мою мысль. И то ладно. Само выступление не смотрела как и все остальное. Тупо не интересно.

@темы: HoMin


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I'm quite tired. It's been a busy day. I managed to do a lot. Nothing special, really, but I don't think there was ever a time when I was so happy with myself. I know there's still a long way to go and it will be hard, but now I know that can take it all.

@темы: myself


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...

@темы: yoosu, crack


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
When swan sings last song
The time for walk with you, i loved

When I sings your song
At end of the world, I loved

Okay, there was no way I could get that. I will never look up suspiciously Engrish-sounding lyrics again. :weep2: I really love the song too. At times like this I want to go to Japan and open Elementary English School for J-Rockers. But then again bad English is inherent in J-Rock and it was so for generations. It wouldn't be the same. :rolleyes:

@темы: Alice Nine


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
On July 29, 2009, only four months after their wedding, Melody gave birth to a daughter "Lovelie Miyavi Ishihara". On October 21, 2010 6:13 AM JST, Miyavi announced the birth of his second daughter "Jewelie Aoi Ishihara" on twitter.

That's the downside of having celebrity parents. :D

@темы: J-Rock

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
This week I have a brief explosion of interest towards Alice Nine. Of course I've known about them for a long time and I listened to them now and then. They started out as Visual Kei, but after a while they grew out of it and developed their own style. Which is good - those weird costumes and doll-like make-up with vandalized eyebrows had to go. I really think they keep getting better and better at least in terms of style and videos. So anyway the other day I stumbled upon a VOB collection of their PV's (which I, mind you, already had in plenty) and it set off from there. Honestly in terms of music I think they are pretty average. Sure they have some really nice songs, but even compared to other popular bands like Gazette or MUCC I think they're not on the winning side. But what really won me over is their PV's. In just a couple of days I downloaded about 6 GB worth of them. PS knows how to make good videos, that's for sure, but there are tons of other bands who have great videos and I can care less. So here goes the secret: Shou. The man is simply gorgeous and it seems like he becomes even more so with age. He just indulges my aesthetic needs and actually makes it into my Top 5. With every PV comes a different image and they're all amazing (not including the early ones though. those doll-eyes were just creepy). And with the hairstylists and make-up artists and designers and all that magic a person transforms into some magical creature. That's one of the things I miss about J-Rock. Non-Asian guys hardly ever look good in heavy make-up, but for someone like Shou it seems more than natural.
Eyecandy and more rambling

@темы: Shou, musings, Alice Nine, Artist


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
-I saw that people cheered the loudest for you during the concert…

“No way. (laughter) But if that’s the case, then I think it was because of the red, see-through outfit that I wore. (laughter)” :D

-Then what about the outfits of the other members?

“Park Yoochun has the manliest image in JYJ so he wore blue, and I matched Kim Junsu with green because of his humorous image. I wanted to represent my slightly epicene image.”

@темы: JYJ, Jaejoong


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
As a follow up... I see I'm not the only one with a dirty mind. :rolleyes: Reneeta, you rock! :heart: I hope Yoochun takes part in future games too. That way they can practically make put in public.


@темы: yoosu

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


The number of soccer fans in Korea doubled overnight)) I have, like, four hundred pictures just from the last match. And some of them give me such dirty thoughts. :rolleyes:
Seriously though I'm so happy for him. Now he doesn't even have to choose - he has both singing and football. He's got his own team with his brother there and they hold charity games too.


@темы: JYJ, crack

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


I'm so happy

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...


This totally made my morning. Above anything I'm so glad to see them happy. And now they really seem to be.

@темы: tweets, JYJ, fluff


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
It feels like the fandom is dying out. I don't know where is everybody. dbsg is almost lifeless. It's ironic how I just began to upload stuff in earnest and now it seems kind of too late. I was posting another picture set today and I realized it's my 7th post out of 15 on the front page. And it got me to stop and think. I don't know whether I should continue posting stuff there or not. Or maybe it's time to move to jyj_intl, but really dbsg is watched by over 12.406 while jyj_intl by just 269. Yet I'm not sure it's the place for me any more. A lot of communities became kind of abandoned and it gives off a sad and lonely feeling. Lately I've been using JYJ3 more often too. They are faster than SYC and at SYC half of the news I don't need any more. I understand there are still people who hope for reunion, and it's fine, but what I hate is that a lot of them go berserk and blame everyone else for being bad fans. At this point it just doesn't make sense to hold onto something that isn't there any more. Unfortunately a lot of fans are so out of it they are totally blind to the facts. That goes for YunJae fans especially. I used to like YunJae, I really did, but slowly I grew cold towards it and by the time of the lawsuit it was so clear to me they just wouldn't work out. I guess it's just the people's general inability to move on.

@темы: bitching, fandom


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
When did he grow so much? When did he get so deep?

“Sadder than the fact that it is a society of competition in which one must fight with the other to win is the (fact that we have) circumstances in which one must learn how to push others down in order to survive with those methods.”

"In Musical “Mozart” there is a song called “Golden Star.” It is—that you should break out of the tall walls of the castle and find the dream in the wide world and achieve it. In musicals, there are (naturally) parts which overlap with the lives of the audiences themselves and make them reflect upon themselves and bring them to tears. I will always protect you by your side, as an actor who, through musicals, comfort your lives and give you courage.”

Kim Junsu said that he wanted to become a singer who sings life, a musician who arouses memories and inspiration.

But you are already that, my dear. You are.

@темы: Junsu


Lady HeeHee

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Holy shit! How come I haven't seen it by now? :wow:

Nice legs there, Heechul! Shindong is pretty disgusting though. :-/ And I was even more shocked to see Donghae and Eunhyuk as dancers. And hell, Korean boys have much better legs than Korean girls.

Also THIS! :lol: ...

@темы: SuJu


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
I adore these pictures. He looks so homely and warm. ))) And I love the sakura tree, even though it's probably fake.


@темы: Jaejoong


I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
Погода-шизофреничка... Только что выходила - светило солнце, по ощущениям градусов 15, а сейчас снег пошел! :crazy:

@темы: WTF?


5 AM

I don’t wanna feel Blue anymore...
So much for ogling pretty Japanese boys all night long...

@темы: one-liner